
New Member
First time on a forum so go easy, not to sure of protocol but sure your many wise helpful members wil keep me right. Hi from Scotland everyone.
Hi again sorry for late reply to last post but still trying to get to grips with this technology marlarky.. Managed to get the wean away from computer long enough to show me how to post a few pics of me wee landy's.. Cheers guy's n girls
Sorry folks still trying to upload a few pics of landy, but apparently still not got the hang of the tech be continued.
Copy and paste seems to work ;) .... mostly... :confused: o_O ..... :rolleyes:

Good luck :D
Hi disco1BFG thanks for replying bud, been trying to upload again during my lunch break but still no joy... Not got a clue what I'm doing... A total tech ignoramus... , will just have to bite the bullet and bribe the missus with a new handbag or the like so I can move this operation forward a bit... 3days in and i need a lay down now!.
Hi disco1BFG thanks for replying bud, been trying to upload again during my lunch break but still no joy... Not got a clue what I'm doing... A total tech ignoramus... , will just have to bite the bullet and bribe the missus with a new handbag or the like so I can move this operation forward a bit... 3days in and i need a lay down now!.

I feel your pain! it has stopped me posting a few bits and pieces too.. :rolleyes: ...

There's even a thread about it - but the search is currently "unwell" - so I can't even find the **** thing :mad:

Bribing SWMBO works here too ;) o_O :D
Hi matey, Welcome to the asylum.
If you put your pic into a word document then save it as a jpg. then click on it do "Copy" and then "paste it into the body of a message that might work. That is how I do mine.
But I also put it into iPhotoplus and reduce it in size to be sure it tsn't too big.
i know peeps with phones can't do this so easily.

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