Anyway we were talking about turbo hose blowing off
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My apologies to all.
Sorry i did not state the make/model,
A pity things got a little heated and hope all ends well and a new fresh start.
If only i had read the forum properly, i would of posted in the right place.
PS, hope to learn more about my disco in the near future.
Need it on the road now, as things around here are getting more difficult.
Darn the old age creeping up, but hey, what a life iv'e had, can't regret a thing.
try degreasing hoses and make sure clips still tighten down
Blurry hell, tried to help and this happens, last time I venture into Introduce Yourself!

Tooo Dangerous:mooning:
I reckon I missed a decent Fred here, it really didn't escalate nearly enough, did drivel get banned? I'm on my phone so it doesn't show.
Hmmm I feel you're trying to walk me to an epiphany........if you were to come across as such a tool then yes I would no doubt call you an idiot :rolleyes: its common sense now isn't it........if the pipe comes off you clean it and put a new clip on it and if you want to check boost why don't you take off the pipe and stick your hand in front of the turbo while someone revs your engine ? Would that answer your question in a manner befitting your current mental state ?

On a side note seeing as we're wishing illnesses on each other like the "bad ass marine" you supposedly are I'll go one higher........ and hope you get raped by a baboon and catch aids, or would it be closer to your original wish if I was to say I hope you fall down the stairs on your return home and break your back and neck then live out the rest of your days in a wheel chair like a potato? Does that feel good to you :rolleyes: I hope it does :rolleyes:

I could have been approachable but if you ask a silly question with your first post and then proceed to be an arse about it you're going to get shat on figuratively. It does help if you have a sense of humour too :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure thats stated in opening sign up screen anyway, maybe LRO international would be more to your liking ? Someone may offer to bum you and make you a cup of tea after :eek:

Lol :D
He loves to bash the hell out of new people. Like to see his university professor tell he to use common sense and call him a nob if he didn't know. He would cry like a girl and report the professor.

This seems to be a issue with bashing new people. Some deserve it and some do not. And this guy defo didn't need a bashing.
Bashing or not its provided some amusement for us and if the OP didnt like it then he needs thicker skin and a sense of humour. Were you offended like?
How much preasure build up should i expect from the air intake pipe from intercooler to air intake. mine is blowing itself off.

recently had a new exhaust and new air filter, mmm not too much power from turbo now either.

Any Ideas please.
Many thanks in advance.

pi$$ poor intro …… ;)

Norton Manor boy eh ??

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