
New Member
I have a series 2 td5 year 2000. bout a month ago i noticed water patches in the top front corners of the ceiling interior. so i removed all the interior decking and could not find problem. I then had to have my windscreen replaced and thought that had solved it, but no it only leaks when stationary ie overnight when it rains.i am sure it is not the windscreen leaking and i have checked the roof rails. could it be from the back? or those small windows at the rear. I am distraught, it is really bugging me, can anyone help?. I have read all previous threads also
Do you have a sun roof on yours? Because if you do then thats the most likely source of the leak.
The drainage tubes run down the A posts, so if the seals have gone on them then the water will be seeping along the outside of the tubes and into the roof lining.
even if you've had the windscreen replaced, it's very common for them to leak, we've sent discos to the windscreen place 3 of 4 times before they got it right and we've had customers come in with leaks and they can't believe it when we tell them its the windscreen "but I've only just had it replaced" is the usual reply.

other common places for leaks are sunroof drain tubes blocked/disconnected, sunroof frame not sealed to the roof (front and rear) seal between sunroof glass and frame Knackered/come off/covered in moss, alpine lights leaking (the small windows in the rear of the roof), the water runs forward and out of the front corners of the headlining.

Bet you 100-1 its the windscreen though.
like you just bought a td5, which was wet above passenger door into the corner by the windscreen, after playing with a hose pipe i located it to the alpine window, apparently it travels down a gutter under the roof lining and comes out above the front doors. sealed with mastic for now until i get it re set under warranty, but it has cured the leak
I am having the same leak on the headlining on the driverside corner. It have noticed it when I park at an angle (driverside on the upper part of the slope). The widscreen does apear to be chainged but the leak only apeared to be above the windscreen.
I will look for the drain for the rear alpine windows bit my roof rails are a but loose. Is there a simple way of tightening these? or does it involve removing the headlining?

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