
New Member
Hi all,

My name's Mike and as you can all tell brand new here.
I got into off roading with a few mates, and ended up buying a 93 200tdi with suspension and body lift, breather Kit, 33" wheels and the list goes on.

1st problem is now that I've got one I'm considering getting rid of it to get my own standard one and work on myself - think I've got the bug already.

2nd Problem, was heading down an A road at 60(ish) for about 20mins and when I turned off at the junction I wanted and started slowing down, the oil light started flashing as I changed down gears and as I came to a total stop it stalled! Started first time and ran fine until the next time I stopped. A few days later the same thing happened again but only when on a bit of a run. When doing short journeys or slow speeds off road haven't had a problem.

Any idea's of what I should check first?

stick your question in the discovery section your get a better responce there and welcome
Oil light & fuel? sounds a coincidence.
However-Fuel hows ya filters? clean? new? not known? worth checking / replacing start with bleeding from bottom drain, see if water in there etc.
Next possible lift pump prob but start with filter.
Oil light-check level, but when was last filter change? could be oil light pressure switch when they get tired they start to flicker. :)...ooh and welcome to the forum:)
Thanks for advice.
Will check filters and change if needed early in the week and then try taking for a run before looking at replacing oil light pressure switch.

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