Adam did a great backup Plan Z.

Dentist saw me out of it for a couple of days which meant that Wales was a bit of a long way for only 2 days.

Still we did it! Had fun! Popping many Pills to stop my face exploding with tooth ache.

Best moment: Driving past where a stuck Hylux that just winched himself out and then reversing and doing it again at tick over PRICELESS! Or Adam falling down his Rooftent ladder after a very dodgy looking make shift platform.

All in Twas a great weekend Great company Sorry I wasn't more chatty/**** taking but takin' these poxy Pills doing my head in Oh an not drinking! I Hope Ms Beaker enjoyed herself. Hopefully it will be less dusty and more enjoyable next time!

Campsite was nice too! but not one to stay at for the LZ Booze lads weekend me thinks.

Twas like trying to organise a marathon with all the competitors turning up without any legs. Still Fun!

God help anyone that wants to go overlanding everyone here had 6 months notice to prepare motors and sort themselves out and couldn't make Wisebech.
Well welcome back folks... Really glad you all had a good weekend even if it was not what was originally planned (Does anyone still remember the first plan? Seems so long ago now!) Obviously going to be working throughout the summer to try to get the landy up to scratch. Kai's been working hard on the PAS system today and it should be all in tomorrow and hopefully we will find it working (but with our luck who knows!)
Haha bring it to the pub would ya? I'll have a cd made for you by then. Pretty sure I found that watch somewhere myself lol!
Good evening.

Well what an eventfull trip that was! :doh:

Don't think I shall be going on any long trips till i get my clutch sorted or my lack of starting issue sorted..

Some good lanes today and yesterday, A few I hadn't done before. Was nice that all the gates were open on the seasonal lanes, wasn't expecting them to be as its been a bank holiday weekend.

All in all, good laugh in good company.

Shall send an email to the campsite thanking them for squeesing us in at last minute. Not that it was that much of a squeese.
Good video.

Lanes look great, shame they weren't a bit softer, I wouldn't have any fillings left if I drove them.
They were bone dry an bloody dusty. Didn't help that alot of them had, had farm machinery trundling down them all winter. So there were some bloody big/wide ruts in places, and it was as rattley as hell.
Great Video.

Looks like a fun weekend and not too far away, maybe if use lot on Essex get our landys to work at the same time we'll get our act together.
Glad you guys like it :D I only filmed on the first day, took more piccies on the 2nd day, but Jai's windscreen got so dusty and was covered in bug splats!! More piccies soon :)
Great Video.

Looks like a fun weekend and not too far away, maybe if use lot on Essex get our landys to work at the same time we'll get our act together.

We were also lacking working landys. Jai had to tow start mine (great fun in tesco's car park) and there was always the prospect that jai's enjin would die..... And we thought we'd make it to wales!:eek:

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