Probably a bit late now but I have a fookin great vice here if you need it. It is not attached to a bench so you could always take it with you -
I have no idea how they're getting on. Was going to head over and help when they returned from paddocks.
Back from Paddocks and I have a nice long list of things to get on with! :eek: I love you guys :D:D Some of the nicest people on the planet!!

:lvhearts-151: :hysterically_laughi
Bolts on propshafts being really annoying... Left them soaking in WD40, now going to try and get on with other things on my list :eek:
Propshaft bolts can be a rite c-nut. especially if they've not been off for a fair while.

Whats the plan then everyone?
Got 2 of them off lol (out of 16 or something)!! Sprayed more and left again. Drained PAS resevoir. Will cut off a bit more pipe ready to reseal tomorrow. 3 Jate rings fitted, time for something to eat!
As I said, I'm up for a long day's laning on Sunday. I'll leave early from home to wherever, just let me know where.
OK, Here's the plan as it stands.

Tomorrow morning, Jai, Spitfire, and Myself will meet over at LRJ's to do some mechanicy bits to help get him sorted-ish.

Then at about lunchtime, Myself and Jai (and anyone else who wants to join in) will head off and do some lanes and head towards campsite number 1 near Ely.

We shall then keep everyone who's meeting us at various points during the weekend informed on where we are and whats happening.

Hope this is all ok and makes sense. :D
Sounds fine, I'll look again Saturday night for sure and see where you are, or just send me a text or give me a ring. If you don't have my number Jai certainly has.
lol, Oh dear!

Cambridgeshire County Councils web map of ROW's is bloody brilliant. Google map's with Overlays of rights of ways with restriction pop ups when you hover over the track.
Love it! :D
Tomorrow morning, Jai, Spitfire, and Myself will meet over at LRJ's to do some mechanicy bits to help get him sorted-ish.

Thanks so much guys. Think my pockets will be completely dry by the end of wednesday evening after all this help you have given me. It doesn't even bear thinking about where I would be without you. :eek::eek:

Propshaft bolts thoroughly soaked in WD40, will give them another go when I go to bed so they should come loose tomorrow. Front prop has a lot more play in than the rear one.

PAS drained and I have kept the fluid just in case I don't have enough new.

Fuel tank I managed to actually get the hose off the side and the wires out. Battery disconnected. So this means just the bolts need undoing and the tank lowered to see what the problem is.

3 Jate rings fitted, I didn't do the last one incase it got in the way of us lowering the fuel tank.

A fair bit to do tomorrow to say the least :eek:
Jack make a small list of Tools'

1/2 inch breaker bar 2 foot,

27mm socket Wheel nut size,

9/16 spanners x 2,

10 12 13 14 17 19mm spanners,

Socket set up to 30mm ideally 6 sided,

33mm socket 6 sided drop arm nut,

bihex Halfords 13mm socket for removing caliper bolts,

Club hammer

Loads more but with those you can do most of your stuff!
Blimey... good luck guys... looks like you are hoping for a damn good day's spannering on the morrow!

If you need anything you havent got then send me a text and if I have it you can take the bugger with you
If you have any deep sockets they would be very useful for the fuel tank bolts.

Towbar needs same size behind the drop plate (B3aker had one the right size, I'm pretty sure it was 27mm)

Whatever tools are needed for the steering joints haven't much clue about them :confused:

Can't remember the name of those pliers you were on about for the wheel hub :confused:

Brake pipe joiners, can't remember their name either lol!!

Axle stands if we are messing around with the wheel hub and changing wheels?

Don't know if we still need it but that massive vice you were talking about lol
If you have any deep sockets they would be very useful for the fuel tank bolts.

Towbar needs same size behind the drop plate (B3aker had one the right size, I'm pretty sure it was 27mm)

Whatever tools are needed for the steering joints haven't much clue about them :confused:

Can't remember the name of those pliers you were on about for the wheel hub :confused:

Brake pipe joiners, can't remember their name either lol!!

Axle stands if we are messing around with the wheel hub and changing wheels?

Don't know if we still need it but that massive vice you were talking about lol

I shall Chuck me tools in the car in the morning and head over, Shall chuck some extras in too.

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