Thanks Jai. Been in here for 3 weeks now, I expect to be in for another week then they will send me home but I am not allowed to put any weight on my legs. I did make a bit of a mess of myself but the good news is I am expected to make a full recovery so my aim is to be walking again before Christmas.

Anyway, you all take care down there!
Thanks Jai. Been in here for 3 weeks now, I expect to be in for another week then they will send me home but I am not allowed to put any weight on my legs. I did make a bit of a mess of myself but the good news is I am expected to make a full recovery so my aim is to be walking again before Christmas.

Anyway, you all take care down there!

What the hell did you do???

Hoping for a quick and full recovery!!

If you need anything just shout!! I know we are miles away but we can always sort something.

Blkoody hell Kev. What the hell happened? Oh err.... hi everyone... haven't been in for a while and you can imagine my surprise when I noticed that the thread has had over a million views! you should be charging for advertising space!
Hey boys, nice to hear from you.

As to what I did, well it is a bit stupid - see I was up on top of the barn roof patching a couple of small holes in the corrugated sheet roof. All was going well. I needed to get my hammer which had slid down on to the lean-to roof that abuts the main barn. The trouble is, there are some skylights on the lower roof and unfortunately the roof lights are almost invisible because they blend in with the metal deck. So, the short version is as I transferred the weight from one foot to the other I heard a crack and realised my left foot was on the plastic not the steel at which point it was too late. So I went through the skylight and fell about 20 - 25 feet. On landing, my left leg buckled and my right heel took a big hit, I knew I was in trouble when I saw my left foot at 90 degrees to where it should be.

So I dragged myself out of the barn and my other half eventually heard me screaming and came out a ordered an ambulance which by coincidence was close by (lucky or what!) Anyway, the paramedics took one look and said - Helicopter. So after being pumped full of morphine and lord knows what else a big red and green air ambulance lands and takes me away to the Royal Stoke hospital in Stafford.

What exactly had I done - well, my left knee cap was in 3 pieces, the tibial plateaux was fractured and the bottom of my left leg had multiple fractures. My right leg was OK but I shattered my heel. So bottom line I can't walk.

Initially I was told I had life changing injuries but they could repair me. So the first operation was to repair the left knee cap, this was wired together. I had to wait a week for the second operation where my left leg was put back together with plates and screws and I think there may be a rod in there as well. My right heel was opened up and they reshaped it.

I should be allowed home very soon but I will be non weight bearing on both legs for up to another 4 - 6 weeks, then I can start to put weight on them and get back to walking. Although I have done a lot of damage I have to say I have been very lucky. I have to say I have been so completely blown away by the whole journey, the paramedics, air ambulance and all the staff in this hospital - there are simply no words to adequately describe how good they are.

SO the moral to the story is that for those attempting a batman impersonation, focus on the landing part of your dramatic roof light entrance!

You all take care. Cheers!
Hay guys not been on here for a bit but I’m looking for an erg blanking kit for a 2012 2.2 defender and have been coming up blank. Any ideas.
Google is your friend


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Belated Happy New Year and all that.
Yes Jai I am mending slowly. I am walking again but only slowly. Have started driving again as well which is a bonus.
Got to do inlet manifold gasket on the Rangie, not sure if I can stand up long enough to do it in one go but one way or another I will get it done.
Apart from that all is well in a relative way.

Hope everyone down there is in good health. Cheers.
Alright guys, hope you are all well.

Also new to green laning and had a great time today! Is there any green lanes around Hitchin, Hertfordshire that any of you do, I done one opposite Carters lane today off the A505 which got smaller and smaller. It didn’t look used for a while.

Just ordered my OS map to.

Any help appreciated
Alright guys, hope you are all well.

Also new to green lining and had a great time today! Is there any green lanes around Hitchin, Hertfordshire that any of you do, I done one opposite Carters lane today off the A505 which got smaller and smaller. It didn’t look used for a while.

Just ordered my OS map to.

Any help appreciated

Hi LewisB,

beds Herts Cambs Land Rover Club are holding a Trial tomorrow near Whitwell /Hitchin. From 9.00am it’s a beginner trial.

We will probably be doing a few lanes heading back towards Luton afterwards happy to show you the legal ones.

the TYRO trial is a beginners event too.
Hi Jai, nice to see you're still about.

Me, I'm doing better. Walking is still painful; it's a bit like having two sprained ankles, especially first thing in the morning.
Apart form that not too bad. Just completed some repairs on the Rangie. The back axle was weeping where the diff pan rotted out so I popped the axle off and found a mountain of work. So, new diff pan, new anti-roll bar brackets, new spring seats, new fulcrum ball joint (what a B*****D!!!), new self-leveller ball joints, new HD drive members all round (the back ones were a bit loose on the splines), new rear shock absorber top bushes. All the axle bushes were good, even the top link ones which I have never changed and I think are original!

Removed the rotted out rear disc shields then found rear brake calipers not 100% so rather than mess about have ordered new calipers which should turn up in the next couple of days. Also decided to change the sound track so bought Cherry Bomb centre and back boxes. I has been a busy boy!

How about yourself? what you been up to?
All good here Kev

redundancy meaner a change of job, did some recovery work for a few months good guys just mad hrs. Now repairing industrial jet wash equipment so back to normalise hrs and weekends back to normal.

Planning a greenlane trip tomorrow..... still deciding where tho... been along time since I’ve been out and about laning seriously other than the lanes I know locally really well. Thinking Essex
Hello Jai! Sorry to hear about you having to change job but glad you found something else. Did you manage to get out on the lanes?

I've not been out laning in probably 10 years although with my dodgey feet/ankles it wouldn't be a brilliant idea but who knows, maybe one day. I am going to be selling my Range Rover, I don't use it really and it is time for somebody else to have some fun with it.

I bought an '07 Discovery 3 which I have to say I like very much. I've had a bit of a play with the terrain response and HDC and it is very impressive and the clever electronics give a very clear advantage and traction in most situations but interestingly I suspect the same electronics would prevent progress in some instances where there is just no substitute for giving it gas and getting all 4 to spin up... you know me, more speed!!

So there it is, if you know anybody looking for a slightly battered RRC give me a shout, I'm also going to be moving on the project LSE and all my spares and bits, if I'm honest I have lost my appetite for the Range Rovers partly because the problems with my injuries mean I struggle with my balance and can't stay on my feet too long especially if it is a little chilly outside so I kind of have to be realistic about it.

Anyway, very glad to hear you are still about and I sincerely hope you and the family are well and have avoided COVID. Take care, hope we might be able to catch up sometime when I get to travel South again. Cheers.
Today is that sad day I said goodbye to my beloved Range Rover Classic. It has been sold; who knows what its new owner will do with it. I hope it will once again find glory in the mud!

I miss it already after just a couple of hours but I know it was right to let it go. This thread is monumental and it will always be a reminder of the things I did in my Range Rover and just as importantly, the people who were there to share in the trials and tribulations of being axle deep in mud, bonnet deep in water, broken down and being fixed.

It's been quite a ride! but most of all, I have the memories of great days out and the people that made them special. I wish all who were there when this thread started, good luck, health and happiness.

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