Dunno about sunday, may pop along to say hello, I need to chat to Comp Sec to ensure he know when I can set a trial out this year.

The thread was started by Dan who was in Herts when a few of us from Beds we're quite active around Beds laning but not as active on the forum. This took off and we never have really been Herts although loads of people we go laning with are, and further afield Cambs etc
No worries fella, will tell you next time we go. I was let down by a few others so just ended up around stansted way instead. Always a good day around there.
Hi All

thinking of trying the Punch Event at Whaddon in April,
should have the winch sorted by then.

Need a Co-Driver
someone that does nt mind gettin stuck in and putting up with my driving lol.
and yes it will be my first punch event,

any brave soles out there.

bacon butty and coffee is on me !
Hi All

thinking of trying the Punch Event at Whaddon in April,
should have the winch sorted by then.

Need a Co-Driver
someone that does nt mind gettin stuck in and putting up with my driving lol.
and yes it will be my first punch event,

any brave soles out there.

bacon butty and coffee is on me !
What is the date in April?

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