My 8m is in the back of the landy. There if you need it or grab DD's

We should really buy a 100 m roll between us and make them up I could do with 3 ropes 12m 8m and 6 for the offroader that will be the best part of 30m about a third of a roll. I'm sure between us we could make up and sell the rest off. The 24mm 14t rope has recovered many arctics in the snow and a couple of Fire engines in Marxh Farm weighing in around 12tonnes and much abuse out and about. Best thing to have to hand is a decent 24mm rope
My 8m is in the back of the landy. There if you need it or grab DD's

We should really buy a 100 m roll between us and make them up I could do with 3 ropes 12m 8m and 6 for the offroader that will be the best part of 30m about a third of a roll. I'm sure between us we could make up and sell the rest off. The 24mm 14t rope has recovered many arctics in the snow and a couple of Fire engines in Marxh Farm weighing in around 12tonnes and much abuse out and about. Best thing to have to hand is a decent 24mm rope
I need rope. Sounds like a plan
I have some old rope we got through here and have a practice they need making up anyway last time I had a go in a rush I missed one which ****ed me off! It's now the numpty rope if I find a car stranded in the snow
Also rated shackles although I must say Paddocks did a good deal as did a place in Leighton Buzzard lifting specialist they were stamped and relatively cheap
Also rated shackles although I must say Paddocks did a good deal as did a place in Leighton Buzzard lifting specialist they were stamped and relatively cheap

Let me know what you can do for shackles. I have pretty good access to shackles and will probably be better priced than most places :)
Anyone got access to memory me and ill send you an old route i.was thinking of further away in essex and working back towards home. Some lee has done with me before. One at dunton we did a couple of times. Memory map with ipad and landranger map is about 30. Cheers
Anyone got access to memory me and ill send you an old route i.was thinking of further away in essex and working back towards home. Some lee has done with me before. One at dunton we did a couple of times. Memory map with ipad and landranger map is about 30. Cheers

The Duntons one has just had tons of hardcore laid by the nursery end don't know what the rest is like.
Farrar I was marking up my maps for Chelmsford, I remembered there was one next to a banger track. Some good lanes south of Gt Dunmow and some good lanes Nr Stebbing but its been 5 years since I was last out that way. I need to get out at silly O'clock one morning and check them out. I used to drive them weekly pretty much and will remember them (I think) when I see them butits been 5 years EEK!
You never can have enough rope I would always put in to get another one.

Lee no problem either mine or Jai's your call I'm not at the garage tomorrow but just call me.

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