Its only on for one day Is it any good?

I do need some tyres but I want to look at some first

And I'm off Sunday and Monday on top of that I'm fixing the wife's car today so I don't need to do that at the weekend

Mmmmm sounds like a plan to me
Any series 2 experts on here that wouldnt mind casting there eye over one i have been tempted to buy. Obviously would cover costs and buy a beer. vehicle is at SG13 post code.
If the chassis is goo the bulkhead is good and its not knicked your good to go. it will cost 3 times your estimate and take 3 times aslong to do and seriously **** off wife/kids thats the true reality of a rebuild
This would not be a restoration or anything like that as i dont have time/patience or know how. all i wanted ( maybe im deluded ) was one that would need minimal work to use as a summer fun car. that is the reason i would like some one to have a look just so i dont buy something that will end up on my drive not going anywhere, and ****ing off everyone. guess i could get AA to look, but would prefer someone thats a bit more clued up.
Wouldn't call myself expert by any means, but from research I did before buying my S2a, it's much the same list things as with buying a Defender. But they are much less advanced of course. Key things revolve around is it geniune, as opposed to to modern one on a 'dodgy' V5 to get free tax. Petrol engines run like a sewing machine when in good fettle, transmission noisier than Defender, but wear shows the same signs I believe. Rust as ever is a big issue!

I'm only a few miles north of SG13, and happy for you to have poke round mine (it's solid and not been updated) first if it helps, and if you're desperate could go with you. But I really wouldn't claim to be expert - and wouldn't be much help at spotting flaws beyond the probably obvious!
Wouldn't call myself expert by any means, but from research I did before buying my S2a, it's much the same list things as with buying a Defender. But they are much less advanced of course. Key things revolve around is it geniune, as opposed to to modern one on a 'dodgy' V5 to get free tax. Petrol engines run like a sewing machine when in good fettle, transmission noisier than Defender, but wear shows the same signs I believe. Rust as ever is a big issue!

I'm only a few miles north of SG13, and happy for you to have poke round mine (it's solid and not been updated) first if it helps, and if you're desperate could go with you. But I really wouldn't claim to be expert - and wouldn't be much help at spotting flaws beyond the probably obvious!

Thanks for that might take you up on having a look yours, i have looked at another one that has "been renovated" but i think bodged. would prefer an untouched one as you can see whats what.
Thanks for that might take you up on having a look yours, i have looked at another one that has "been renovated" but i think bodged. would prefer an untouched one as you can see whats what.

Just send us a PM if you want to poke around - can do pretty much anytime weekdays/weekends to suit, as I live/work on same site.

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