well i hope so, as my truck (nissan nivara) i have at the mo is shockingly crap and cant wait till the end of the week when i trade it in 4 the land rover. thanks mate, yea that sounds like a gd idea.
I know Spitfire has a big pattern ship 6 foot or close to that wing span which will be ebay'd but anyone ere wants a heads up then better to go to somone local we know J
Ill try and make it down next time if u go out in the mean time give me a shout if u don't mind 1 extra thanks mate
Ill try and make it down next time if u go out in the mean time give me a shout if u don't mind 1 extra thanks mate

No worries your always welcome I'm not the most active greenlaner of late but hopefully when this little offroader is ready to compete ill get some spare time to play

Series ill send a pm prob Monday eve gotta hit the sack early start in morn

I think it's an extra 300, 40 size, extreme 3d with Irvine 53 etc
And loads more smaller stuff
Welcome to Diso and Wilbo, taking a Landy off road has a huge "Grin Factor", but Wilbo be prepared for your shiney new toy to pick up a few scars along the way!!!
All the snow and talk of laning is making me envious- i recon I am about 4 weeks away from MOT- got a lot of paintwork to do before reassembly, but it is to cold to crack on with it :mad:

But I should get to the pub this month.:eek:

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