
How about one day for this treasure hunt thingy,

start at pub meet pub Dunstable say 9.30 am,

treasure hunt thingy meet up for lunch at the orange tree say 1.00 till 2.00

then more lanes treasure hunt meet at last location say 4.30 ish??

How about one day for this treasure hunt thingy,

start at pub meet pub Dunstable say 9.30 am,

treasure hunt thingy meet up for lunch at the orange tree say 1.00 till 2.00

then more lanes treasure hunt meet at last location say 4.30 ish??

Depends what day it is as 1:00 on a Sunday is rammed at our place and we won't fit many in

How about one day for this treasure hunt thingy,

start at pub meet pub Dunstable say 9.30 am,

treasure hunt thingy meet up for lunch at the orange tree say 1.00 till 2.00

then more lanes treasure hunt meet at last location say 4.30 ish??

Depends what day it is as 1:00 on a Sunday is rammed at our place and we won't fit many in. That's why I was thinking around 4pm

How about one day for this treasure hunt thingy,

start at pub meet pub Dunstable say 9.30 am,

treasure hunt thingy meet up for lunch at the orange tree say 1.00 till 2.00

then more lanes treasure hunt meet at last location say 4.30 ish??

Sounds good to me, weekend wise December is looking good, unless I go back to stafford. If you need a hand setting up Jai just give us a shout.

Spoke to my boss about the land and he still seams up for it, what is Andy called on this?
Hi Stu,

Andy is Spitfiremk1uk, but the man you need to get on side is Andrew Flanders the tel no i gave you. He is Vice chairman of the Association of Land Rover clubs, MSA Liasion officer and Scrutineering & Off Road Committee Chairman. Tell Andrew Jai sent you he will sort you out hopefully we can get a comp arranged if everyone agrees
Hi Stu,

Andy is Spitfiremk1uk, but the man you need to get on side is Andrew Flanders the tel no i gave you. He is Vice chairman of the Association of Land Rover clubs, MSA Liasion officer and Scrutineering & Off Road Committee Chairman. Tell Andrew Jai sent you he will sort you out hopefully we can get a comp arranged if everyone agrees

Sounds good would like to watch another comp
Sible my 80 might even re ready by then ill be the slow bouncy 80 inch driving around the comp safari course like a granny hoping everyone else breaks stuff and hoping to finish.


This may sound sad but just finishing up the wiring and having a working dash, rear lights and brake lights all functioning kinda given me a boost to getting it done just praying for good weather next few weekends!! Fingers crossed!!

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