How the **** did you manage that? That little ford is a piece of ****.:doh:
Says the man who wasn't there!:cool:

welder is goin to be seeing some action for sure Jai... Pop over I'll show you the sights between the metal bits and the holes!:D
How the **** did you manage that? That little ford is a piece of ****.:doh:

Last time I went I smacked the o/s front wing, so thought I'd try and cut the corner, I just dont have the turning circle to turn staight into it. I should have either waited for some one to guide me through or turned right then done a U-turn so I could go through straight. I didnt realise I screwed it so badly until I saw the photos though :(
Hey Kazzi,

spitfiremkquk says he is still sorry for denting your 109 around Bedford Lanes.

Ha ha - I remember - poor guy was crapping himself - I didn't give a damn - no-one was hurt and it was just another bit of uniqueness for the old girl!

(particularly after I'd wrecked my nearside sill on the Old Bourne!)

Oh, happy days :D
I feel a trophy for jcuk coming on.

Yeh, I'm quite happy to nominate myself for the most ham-fisted driving of the year award after that shameful effort.

Oh, and it gets worse too. One thing that no one mentioned yet is while I was stuck, two girls in a Vitara* came down the lane to go through it too. They go bored waiting, turned round and left. They said they'd been through loads of times.

* I didnt see it, but I bet it was pink. Probably with a furry steering wheel cover too.
The Farm Jack looks like a T-Max. Got the same one haven't bent it yet, but still a really crap jack always gets stuck on lowering. Better to spend the extra £20 for the Hi-Lift.
Well I am back from Preston complete with 200 tdi Disco. Admittedly it needs some welding but the engine is sound chassis is good and it cost me a small fraction of what the v8 would have done to do the same journey.

Need a PAS Pump though... anyone know if it is the same as the one on the v8?

Sounds good Ryder, what are you gonna do with the v8 now? Keep it for the series? :D:D:D

How the **** did you manage that? That little ford is a piece of ****.:doh:

I do actually distinctly remember stopping and getting out to decide where to go next and saying to jcuk, 'Come on you'll be fine just follow me'... Could we have a trophy for best phrase of the year ? :D:D:D:rolleyes::rolleyes:

The Farm Jack looks like a T-Max. Got the same one haven't bent it yet, but still a really crap jack always gets stuck on lowering. Better to spend the extra £20 for the Hi-Lift.

Kris, it was a Tmax farm jack. Apparently Diesel72 spent 45 mins grinding one part down to actually fit from new... Not sure even an extreme hi lift would have stood up to the position it was in however, since it was supporting the falling weight of the vehicle on a diagonal (if you see what i mean). Obviously it was a fair jolt too as it fell.

Looks like it could just be 2 vehicles today after sible dropped out. If you are coming up the a505 from baldock to royston, as you come towards royston go over the first roundabout where the little chef is and turn right at the next roundabout, you will see tesco on your right. As you come around the bend into the carpark I will be in the far corner straight ahead of you. Bring a camera!
benjyp + tdcist
Sible88 in afternoon?

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