I think my dad may be going down to cornwall in the next few weeks... I'm not volunteering his services but I could ask him if he'd pick it up for you.. :p
cheers LRJack, apparently it stuupidly heavy so i will split it when I get there and lift it in hopefully this weekend if I get my ass into gear! Thanks for the thought tho.
pub night its been going well to date but would there be a better day of the week than the first Wednesday in the month? Reason for asking is: lots of clubs have the same day we do. It could be better if we changed so we could go to others and others could attend ours. What does everybody think? pub night been growing and seems reasonable just testing the water see what others regulars think if its worth while or leave as is. jai
pub night its been going well to date but would there be a better day of the week than the first Wednesday in the month? Reason for asking is: lots of clubs have the same day we do. It could be better if we changed so we could go to others and others could attend ours. What does everybody think? pub night been growing and seems reasonable just testing the water see what others regulars think if its worth while or leave as is. jai

Agree with you there Jai. Love meeting up with you lot at the pub meet but had to miss this month as the Burnham guys had theirs the same night. Kris said that we might have to alternate the first Wednesday's, so I'm up for meeting on a different night.
Ah no good I'm afraid it will be a 1.4:1 ratio no doubt. I have a couple of them kicking about already. Ebay they were going for 99p so pretty much worthless unless somone needs one asap 1.22:1's and 1.00:1's are always sort after as are 1.66:1's for the competative comp safari guys.
I don't really mind what day we have our pub meet. Make it whatever day everyone is happy with; I suppose somebody is going to have to make an alternative day suggestion so how do folks feel about first Thursday of the month?

I'm new to 4x4 and therefore off-road / green laning.....

I live in Dunstable and have seen the threads on here regarding White Lion @ Chalk Hill and meetups on the first Wed of the month - do these still happen?

Would it be ok for a noob to bring a hippo to try out?


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