Young apprentice, hes about 15 or 16 mins in :p:p

Thanks, saved me watching too much of that crap...become a top businessman by getting a discount on ballons.... my hairy arse...

Brett why did you give that pipsqueak a discount ? should have kicked him in the balls, and charged him double....

anyway I'm off to play with my ZX Spectrum..... not.... is that idiot seriously our champion of business, my fooking arse......

I mean he said, In February 2005, The iPod will be "dead, finished, gone, kaput" by next Christmas. Looooooser.....
Brett why did you give that pipsqueak a discount ? should have kicked him in the balls, and charged him double....

I would have given it to them for nothing if he'd of asked, but he didn't, just for the publicity value. :D

It was a piece left over from Harry Potter, that had already been paid for, so anything I got for it was pure profit and they paid cash. I was well happy and they got £100 off retail so they were happy too. All just for entertainment value really.

The finished clip took about 6 takes because they wanted the kids to ask the questions in a particular way, so what you saw was just the final run through of what we'd already agreed.

I noticed that the other team didn't even attempt to buy a red carpet, or if they did it wasn't featured. I can't think of another company in London that would have what they wanted in stock apart from me. Would have looked a bit stupid with both teams at my place buying the same thing though.

I would have fired Harry myself.
Jack what fender? might be after a front axle dependant on type and maybe a few trim bits

Bit late here now to pop down. Let me see if I can get up to you at some point before you leave.
Jai im working till 10 tomorrow do you want me to pop down tonight? This guy Pip has a disco front axle I think, apparently it's the same as a 90. Is this for the s1 trialler?

Coupe I will let you know if I hear any more about this pas pump but it may be sold with the engine as he has already got a buyer for that
hi Jack,

yup for the series 1 trialer. Might not get fitted for a while tho. Might just bung on a series axle for now and enjoy blowing it to pieces! Will need mucho fab work to fit. Not gonna pay alot for a front axle as i'm in no rush they always come up quite cheapish.
He said to give you his number, I will text you tomorrow. I asked if he wanted to join the forum but he's apparently useless with computers..

Due to all the cockups with my holiday at work and unpaid hours I worked etc I may even go next week instead. I will keep you posted. Never can get the right person at the right time to sort this out, its very frustrating :doh:

Have now been told some of these unpaid hours are going to be in my bank account in the next 4-5 days................. and they seem to have lost rotas proving when I worked so even then they can't tell what I've been doing. Its a bloody disgrace ... :mad:
If i'm going next week we can sort something else out and save you coming all the way up here at god knows what hour. I will let you know what I'm doing.
Hi chaps i am going to whaddon on sunday 11th of dec... just a quick question.. i have have been looking on youtube at loads of videos of the place and i was wondering if i will get on ok with A/T's, i have bfg a/ts on at the min.. do you think it will be worth going or will i just be stuck trying to out the car park lol?

This was posted in the off-roading section but I was told I might get better/more up to date answers on this thread...

Hi dave you will still have lots of fun but make sure you have good recovery points. Plenty of people to pull you out if you go too far. Be prepared to embarrass yourself and your landy in front of slittys with muds fitted though :D:D Hard to tell how slippy it will be until you get a weather forecast but you will still have fun whatever the weather I'm sure.

Whaddon is the sort of place where no matter what you've got there's still plenty of opportunities to get well stuck. If it's been very wet the mud is incredible.
I think this time you should be OK on A/T's.
Like Jack says there's always plenty of people to pull you out. Make sure you've got decent recovery points front and rear and I always use my own ropes to be recovered with, there are a few nutters that'll try and hook you up with kinetic ropes with a lump of chain on the end of it.

Shame I'm bust this weekend or I'd have come along.
Here's a picture from a hello kitty cam to cheer everyone up....


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