Pffff does that data tell you anything about the lens?? :doh::D
Not asking about the lens, the sensor is what interests me.

you need to compare prints side by side not a small jpeg on landyzone :D:D

Why not ? I never make prints, I only ever email or post the pics online, and if you can't actually tell the difference in that environment, what is the point of spending 5K on a camera... :rolleyes:

When are you gonna make a photography thread?:D:D

When my hello kitty cams arrive I'll post some pics in a new thread in anything goes :D and that's right, I said cams, they are so cheap I'm getting two :D Also getting a 600mm (eqiv) lens so I can get pics of the fishing boats that sail past my window....

I looked at that Ephemeris, right after I looked up Ephemeris in the fooking dictionary. To be honest I don't take those kind of pics anymore (the ones that need planning), I take the kind of pics where if I see something cool I take the camera out of my pocket, and take the picture.... This is why I don't want a 5D :D
Last time I checked you can get a 5D for under 5k :D And 1 5D is smaller than 2 Hello kitties... And I've already proven you can tell the difference even with a jpeg on landyzone..

How much longer does this pointless debate have to go on for? :hysterically_laughi
And I've already proven you can tell the difference even with a jpeg on landyzone..

You have only proven you can read exif data, put your money where your mouth is, and tell me what cam took that last picture, the one you refuse to comment on... maybe you suspect I have edited the exif data :D
You have only proven you can read exif data, put your money where your mouth is, and tell me what cam took that last picture, the one you refuse to comment on... maybe you suspect I have edited the exif data :D

jcuk found the metadata not me :D:D Apparently it was a DMC-HK3

That is, Digital Media Camera - Hello Kitty mark 3 :D:D:D
Jack where did you go ? All you have do is say what cam took that pic, just like you have already "proved" you can :D

I bet Jack is browsing Flickr photo albums in the hope he can find that pic, and read the exif data :D
I was here all the time.. I don't spend my whole life posting in a thread for GREEN LANING the other side of the COUNTRY about PHOTOGRAPHY do I now? :rolleyes::D

I would be tempted to say APSC or 4/3rds but it really does depend on what has been done to it since it was taken, and also what settings it was taken with...
Where have you gone Booger? Not looking for yet another picture taken with a hello kitty camera to post in here are you?

I would be tempted to say APSC or 4/3rds

Here is a message for you from Jeremy Clarkson..

[ame=]Clarkson says Loser - YouTube[/ame]

It was taken with a medium format camera Just published - a quick Pentax 645D sample gallery: Digital Photography Review

and now that you have proven that when a pic is posted online or emailed, you can't really tell if it was taken with a high end medium format, or a hello kitty cam, this pointless discussion can end. :D
I was here all the time.. I don't spend my whole life posting in a thread for GREEN LANING the other side of the COUNTRY about PHOTOGRAPHY do I now? :rolleyes::D

I would be tempted to say APSC or 4/3rds but it really does depend on what has been done to it since it was taken, and also what settings it was taken with...

Ahem :D:D:D
Take a look at some of the comments...

By Tape5 (Nov 18, 2011 at 09:23:10 GMT)
For a camera of this caliber :

Poor light testing
Poor DR testing
Poor subject matter testing
And poor resolution testing by not using a tripod
I dont mean to be nerdy but these look like they have come out of a 300 bucks camera.
Lovely surroundings and a very handsome kid though.
I would be tempted to say APSC or 4/3rds but it really does depend on what has been done to it since it was taken, and also what settings it was taken with...

Yes because someone who reviews cameras for a living is going to cock up the settings so badly that you cannot tell what kind of camera it is....

as for the comments, someone did a review, and someone from the hundreds who commented said the product was crap, and thats your argument, seriously....

so from now on, I'm not arguing with you anymore, because anyone who is not an idiot, can see I have won :D

Besides, I'm off to see your sister.... :D
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Its not so much a case of the wrong settings.. just the fact he discarded 99% of the original image :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Oh and don't forget the 600mm strap on :lol::lol:
Its not so much a case of the wrong settings.. just the fact he discarded 99% of the original image :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Oh and don't forget the 600mm strap on :lol::lol:

Who are you arguing with now ? I'm not arguing with you anymore..

and thanks for reminding me your sister has a strap on, now I can get your mamma over too :D
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Booger had been tracking the SS Fat Guy all day on his live map and finally it came past his window at a racing speed of 0.001 knots :D:D


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