Not gunna make it, we've got people coming to look at the house.
Thanks a shame. Would have been great to say hello. Me and George are just about to pop over if he ever finishes eating his lunch. I mean seriously, how long does it take a 5 year old to eat a jam sandwich...
My trip to Coventry took longer than expected, didnt get back till almost 13.00 then we had the greyhound rescue people round for a home visit.

Looking forward to the pics.
Well I hope everyone had fun today I certainly did!!! My new dent proves it!! Kai was a superb Navigator/Winch bitch he did a sterling job!!

We met a nice new couple and heled them out with a few tows and they returned the favour a few times in their 90.

Good to see Sible, JCUK and young George (I mean he's a born off roader he was splashing all around in the mud in his shoes on the quiet)! and a few others all out

Scores Well I will discount the last punch of mine because Spyderman didn't get time and he spent 5 minutes winching me out of the hole!!! So we drew even I guess!!

Here's to next time! I gave my 90 some stick and it took all of it (even the 10 spline front end) so I'm happy. Could do with grippier tyres but couldn't we all!!
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JCUK has some and I think Sible may have some but we were busy playin in the mud.

I hear Meanie and Kris300 are going up there tomorrow from an unconfirmed source!
Ok I have some pics.... Iam going to host them on my site now and will post them ina little while
Ok there are a few...

These are simply a few pics taken on my phone. There are a ****load taken on Bretts new "super dooper ultra high resultion need a degree to operate it but end up with brill pics!" camera but we will need to wait until we get a copy of those to host them.....









Just a few but I should probably create a folder to show them all!
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too ****ed to correct things tonight! Can not sem to get the internet working to match my logic!
I'm back home. For those of you who didn't make it to Roundhill Woods today, boy you missed out. Mud was the consistency of warm chocolate, Landy swallowing bomb holes, steep drop, the lot.

My winch got some serious action as did the tow ropes.

Met some new really nice people, first time out for them and they were still smiling at the end.

Had to bale early as I was working in Leicester Square tonight.

Photos are just uploading, there's 215 of them.

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