Loads at the pub tonight, busiest I think I've seen it.:D

Saturday 10:00 Baldock Services A1 for a laning day.
Post if you want to come.
Can I come inn the back too? :D:D
i think tecnically jack thats illegal....:D:D

i rode a 110 V8 tipper like what you did some time back and it was proper funny.i did laff when I booted it and saw you grab what you could before you got lobbed off the back as your other option....fun made you jump didnt it :D ,better than alton towers a good tipper surfing session....ha ha ha ha ha :):):D:D
:p:p horses kev is my excuse and im stickin to it....:p:D

some dick driver nearly squash you?:eek:i been push bikeing to work ....its bad here aint it.not like kernow.:eek:

Horses - grrrr I don't like horses too much! As for the other bit, yeah was a bit closer than I like, foreign truck jumped a red light as me and Mr.V were turning right, could have been messy (and painful:eek:)
Horses - grrrr I don't like horses too much! As for the other bit, yeah was a bit closer than I like, foreign truck jumped a red light as me and Mr.V were turning right, could have been messy (and painful:eek:)

eeeejuts aint they.im to the point of no return on my bike.Ive rode bikes for 30 years but in this place that is gunna stop for me.my days are well numbered here on two wheels.:eek:
eeeejuts aint they.im to the point of no return on my bike.Ive rode bikes for 30 years but in this place that is gunna stop for me.my days are well numbered here on two wheels.:eek:

It's not THAT bad really - just different to what you are or were used to, still plenty of places you can ride in "relative" safety.
It's not THAT bad really - just different to what you are or were used to, still plenty of places you can ride in "relative" safety.
off road yes.If i ride leaving enough room for people to pass they just fly by at 65mph..

if i ride too far out i get run over so i have to control the traffic around me and keep the flow consistant with oncoming.I tootle along at 28-35 mph so have enough time to wander out to the line and back in to slow them behind.

i genuinely think people drive here on the car in front.noone seems to read the road these days.
Good to meet everyone last night, good turn out too by the looks of it, lots of serious looking cars in the car park!!

Hopefully be there Saturday morning, will confirm tomorrow (tyre dependant really!) but should be fun :)
Horses - grrrr I don't like horses too much! As for the other bit, yeah was a bit closer than I like, foreign truck jumped a red light as me and Mr.V were turning right, could have been messy (and painful:eek:)

I thought he was close to me, then saw you managed to get through too... Fekkin eejut

Had that been a learner of something, he would have wiped them out. What part of RED LIGHT did he not understand??
Are they the light at the top of the hill by the industrial site,

if they are I've had a few wagons do that when i've been delivering stuff round that site. or been to Autolands
At the lights that replaced the roundabout on the A5 and Houghton Road, top end of Dunstable. I had the headlights and a numberplate with ##-##-## staring me in the face as I turned. God knows how Kev got through without getting hit.
At the lights that replaced the roundabout on the A5 and Houghton Road, top end of Dunstable. I had the headlights and a numberplate with ##-##-## staring me in the face as I turned. God knows how Kev got through without getting hit.

From where I was, it looked like said truck was slowing to stop at the RED LIGHT but then he just kept rolling, so basically, I swerved and floored it - thank goodness for a V8 is all I can say. No point dwelling on it, just another "one of those things" really not to mention I think we were both quite lucky.
Well the old girl arrived this afternoon. My 2 year old son is currently in histerics as he wants to play in the big truck so a great start as that means he can play while i spanner

All as expected except a flat tyre and it seems someone has aquired the top of the snorkle which isnt to bad the worst part is that the fuel tank has been drilled so that needs replacing so off to the scrap yard on saturday with oil cooler and anything else i add on the shopping list.
i think tecnically jack thats illegal....:D:D

i rode a 110 V8 tipper like what you did some time back and it was proper funny.i did laff when I booted it and saw you grab what you could before you got lobbed off the back as your other option....fun made you jump didnt it :D ,better than alton towers a good tipper surfing session....ha ha ha ha ha :):):D:D

Well if it's illegal on roads and greenlanes then how about at a pay and play site? :D:D:D:eek::eek::doh: Or we could just go buy a disused quarry :D:D

From where I was, it looked like said truck was slowing to stop at the RED LIGHT but then he just kept rolling, so basically, I swerved and floored it - thank goodness for a V8 is all I can say. No point dwelling on it, just another "one of those things" really not to mention I think we were both quite lucky.

Glad you are both ok.. sounds like it coulda ended a lot worse :eek:

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