well that's a promising sign! I presume they will recover it pretty much all the way to the hardstanding? As even the slightly wider bit is proper slippy I bet!!

yes it needs recovering the entire length.....good on em.

A 'Byway' is a 'road' maintained by the local council and is open to ALL traffic....

i find it quite summat that....have you seen the lane further on....:mad::eek:

they had no chance...the byway sign should read dead end half a byway:mad::mad::mad:

after some investigations with the parish council i have discovered that the lane is covered by two parishis as it crosses the boundry and i side is good the other is bad.............
no you were not there
there still going .

update from B3ker is slow but they have moved back a few more feet.....going well ...steady.

red your a dick.go take a look at it and help or shut the **** up :mad::mad:

I have both your pics and the other set. the Jai has. Yu've made a fooking mountain out of a mole hill. That or you don't know what the **** your doing.
I have both your pics and the other set. the Jai has. Yu've made a fooking mountain out of a mole hill. That or you don't know what the **** your doing.

I am new here, but I'm not gonna let that put me off posting this....

I don't think it's exactly fair to be making accusations like that unless you've actually been there! The pictures give an idea, but definitely don't do the conditions justice!

All the efforts everyone has put in have had the best intentions, and they will get that landy out! Who cares if it takes a week?!? As long as noone gets injured, and no vehicles damaged!!!
I am new here, but I'm not gonna let that put me off posting this....

I don't think it's exactly fair to be making accusations like that unless you've actually been there! The pictures give an idea, but definitely don't do the conditions justice!

All the efforts everyone has put in have had the best intentions, and they will get that landy out! Who cares if it takes a week?!? As long as noone gets injured, and no vehicles damaged!!!
agreed ..
both myself and b3aker were quite horrrified at the position and conditions and both agreed the wagon needed stropping at all times.even then we lost it again and had to recover it again...ill bet there fookin done in by now....:eek:
I'm just waiting to lock up work then I'll be heading up!

It'll take me 40mins or so, and I'm also bringing two work lads with me! Even if we are only fetching and carrying it'll help!
Is the Disco jackable? Or too unstable to do that? Excuse my ignorance on the topic...but if it is jackable...is it worth swapping the wheelset over for some extreme muds? At least then it might have a fighting chance? Or is it so slippy that tyres won't make any difference?
This is going to be the most popular lane to be driven this winter after this. And the p.ss taking is going to be out of this world!!!

Remember to take pics as you drive past the spots already pictured.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
60 hours, 10 minutes later...... The "A" Team has Succeeded!!

So that's more than doubled Ryder's time ;)

Well done all! Fantastic Effort all round!!!!
holy crap, that's one stirling effort guys :clap2::clap2:

looking forward to piccies and tales of superhuman achievement tomorrow......ad infinitum
Just got back 5 mins ago. I am absolutely sick of that bloody lane now!!!

For those who weren't there I can explain a little about what happened but I am dying for some sleep...

The guys drove down the lane before the rain came so the surface was almost solid and dry. As you drive down the lane you come across a sharp right hand corner which has an adverse camber leading down the side of the bank (15 ft high). Just past that is a section with trees on both sides and a 30deg very very narrow (ie no room to steer a 110 left or right). Beyond that, the trees remain very close on the right and disappear to the left. They guys got stuck a little further on where you have to slalom around trees which stick out into the lane. They got stuck going around one on the right and fell down to the left, hit a tree and got stuck with their n/s wheels 1.5 feet below the level of the flat lane. They only posted when they had abandoned the vehicle for the night and so on wednesday I picked up Ryder and went to help them (noone else was available). We lifted and winched so many times to get the disco back up but it took so long because it had been raining and the surface had turned to slush. The only winch we had at the time was a hand winch which we then used to pull him backwards slowly. The lane was so narrow and the edge had been eroded and had become so slippery that the disco just slipped off towards the stream 15-20ft below. Our safety strops supported it but we had to leave it there overnight.

I am not writing any more now, will be tomorrow or saturday before I log on again and tell the rest. I need sleep!!
Well It was interesting... not a hard recovery by any means but time consuming. I'm Knackared so

Spitfire on your At's or your mitchelins your welcome to come and try this lane I Will come with you and you will not make it in its current condition Period series mota on good tyres maybe but anything wider than a defender even huggnig trees trialling style wasn't even enough to get Past!

Redhand yes I agree with you that it looks a simple recovery from all the pics however the tight seriously off camber corners with mounds of mud on sloping to the river means you need to winch side ways. Trees that out crop means you have to dangle wheels off the edge to get past them only makes things worse I would love to see you down here its so very easy to type when your never involed. Top geezer is Bob he helped and knows the score. Red I invite you to try this lane any time especially when conditions are such as todays. I will enjoy every last second of you squirming when you realise the score.

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