Was just thinking that.... What compressor you using ?

Thanks for the awnings link, havent got one yet, would like to see one first..

Hi Booger,

The awnings seem a wee light duty me thinks and need aN awning rail attaching to the side which I think would get squshed when rubbing up against trees etc.

On biard air:

Its a sanden type A/C pump thats been messed with a bit. Yesterday was its first real try out direct from the pump to tyre. The pressure was up to 75 psi and so the 10mm x 10Meter pipe was quite restrictive. I have a tank and am slowly collecting the saftey bits n bobs to have it a perm fixture.

So far I have the filter,
pressure switch,

I am also thinking that 10mm pipe may be too restrictive might have to go for a bigger diameter. Also heat from the pump and pipe I think could be an issue. I'm uncertain weather to use a cooler ring, metal pipe to disapate the heat or just high temp pipe which is only £11 a meter.

All in all I think you can get a reliable setup for around £100 up to around 10cfm which has been quoted by others. All i know it knocks the socks off the T Max lecky pump I borrowed at a comp a while ago it took about 8 mins to inflate
a 750 from soft to 22psi.
Hi Booger,
All in all I think you can get a reliable setup for around £100 up to around 10cfm which has been quoted by others. All i know it knocks the socks off the T Max lecky pump I borrowed at a comp a while ago it took about 8 mins to inflate
a 750 from soft to 22psi.

That makes my £70 powerpack + compressor from halfords sound rubbish :doh: 235 85s 10-40 psi takes a good 10 minutes :doh: still i guess its useful if the battery ever goes flat...
MrV i'm leaving my house at 7am need to get my dads discovery dirty before a Wedding tomorrow at 11am only local ones tho your most welcome to join us Jai
MrV i'm leaving my house at 7am need to get my dads discovery dirty before a Wedding tomorrow at 11am only local ones tho your most welcome to join us Jai

7am!!!!:eek: Daaaaaaaaamn!!!! I'll give that a miss. I have to take advantage of a saturday lay in cos i've had a busy week.
Lol, I'd be up for tomorrow but I'm on a Ferry heading out of the UK.

Jai, I like the sound of your compressor, Might have to give it a go myself to save some pennies. Also have to arrange another weekend away i think. We did a bloody lot of lanes the weekend just gone.
And when your kids get to the stage where they can look after themselves in the afternoon you get your serious lay ins back

Hey everyone... looks like I missed a good weekend but hey ho. Hols were good... destroyed a wheel bearing... ordered a new set from paddocks... they sent the wrong ones so some serious fettling to get the items to fit and run. Got us home safe and sound though...

Booger... we should still be looking to hook up shouldn't we?
Morning all, hope everyone is well.

Got some off roading in yesterday, well when I say off roading I drove across a field to a small lake, around the lake and back out the field. But at least the mud tyres saw some mud! :D
At least some of you are getting out and about. I made the mistake of going over the Rangie yesterday and found a bit of a hole in the drivers footwell, I've started rebuilding the rotted out section of floor, hopefully get it finished today. Hey ho!
I did some electrics still got a huge ammount of wires to sort out. Getting there tho. I'm happier now because the lights are wired up properly and if a fuse blows the switching circuit is also dead making it easy to fault find as planned.

Lack of fuses and rain stopped play today. Also need to find my elec fan therostat mount bracket. Doh!

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