Sounds like you guys had a good time today! Really miffed that Kai and I had to miss it but we'll be trying for the next one!

Discovered a light fluid leak in my rad last night... can't seem to locate it though!

If you take the hose pipe away from the rad it might be easier:p.

BTW change yer belts:eek:. Hehehe good to see you're making progress.
Wicked site, so much more fun than places like Whaddon, a real challenge.

The A-Team were going great guns until the front prop decided to go walkabout.
Here's my pictures.








This is where I did the prop








Halloween is the next meeting there, can't wait.
Actually drove it today - took it all the way to Asda and back. Seems like the work Kai and I have done has been successful. The new seal on the rear of the engine is working well - no extra oil on the drive (not sure we'd notice if there was!) Just got to clear out some crap from the wheels to get rid of the old wheelie squeal and we should be good to go!

Now... it seems that there are a load of bushes that need attention before the MOT too!:rolleyes:
Roundhill was great the last time we went too - The whole atmosphere is so different to being at a P&P. Looks like they even managed to find you some mud to play in... must have shipped the water in from elsewhere methinks lol
Really great pictures there, the drop into and out of that hole looks like it was pretty steep!
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Yea the first punch was steep I almost didnt make it out. had visions of being wedged aganst a tree half way up. I had to go up where the punch was cos it was on my drivers side
Pictures never do it justice, when your sitting in it teetering on the edge, then start sliding down, it's a bit of an arse twitcher. Some of the ridges with drops both sides focused the mind too.
Great site. I'm in love with Punch Challenges. I think we should descend en masse for the Halloween Event. best fun in a Landy ever. :cool::D
i done myself over the first punch was a bit of a........that coulda been bad moment i went up the steep bit with feck all run up kinda halted halfway slid towards the tree luckily scrabbled enough to get me up just mind. After that I was taking things a bit more carefully. Need the 80 it will be so much better for that kind of thing and if you push that bit too hard oh well the cage will do its job.

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