OK well, I do not want you all to think that the essex trip was the only trip of note today. Kai and I also decided to go for a drive, this time to a little known lane between manchester and Leeds.

Usually a fairly firm base to this lane so pretty safe and used by vehicles regularly we figured we would be safe to drive it in its entirety. As they say... Never go out alone!

We were lucky enough to see another 4 x 4 who helped us out when we became unable to move forwards... all nicely modded up in a stripey yellow pattern and some impressive lights on the roof!


So it turns out that while tyravelling down this lane the wheel bearing has collapsed. We were stuck so long that we have only just got home, and we stopped driving at 1.30 this afternoon!

Oh yes... the name of the lane....

The highest lane of its type in England.

The M62

Only Yours Truly gets stuck on slightly bumpy tarmac!
Joking aside... and it is not very often that I have something positive to say about the authorities but the Highways agency were outstanding!

They came out to the vehicle to make sure we were ok, then they called half hour later to see whether we were moving, when they found out we were still waiting they called again 20 minutes later, just to check our status. I have no doubt that had we been in real trouble they would have done their utmost to help.

A far cry from the old bill of yester-year who would check your tax and breathalyse you just for the fun of it. Fair play to them!
Sounds like you all had a fun day!!

Hope to get the Rangie sorted next week so provided I don't have to stay in for house viewings I'll be out again soon.
When the call came in that 3 of us weren't going anywhere, it focussed the mind somewhat.
Some very lateral thinking required to extricate stuck Landy's today, a bit of a baptism of fire for MKAndy.
Looking down on mine parked on the drive from the landing window, I've done a pucker job of covering the roof with mud.

Definitely a baptism of fire into laning! had a great day out :D:D:D

Cheers everyone for showing me what laning is all about and for the lessons in recovering very stuck land rovers!!

Big Thanks to Spyderman for the map reading.

Got some great photo's (just sorting them out now)
Yep, awsome day out, Thank you Spyderman for map reading. Looking forward to the photos, New Avatar on the way me thinks. :rolleyes::D

Its suprising where the mud gets too.... :eek:
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Oh bloody great! Now I hav spent half hour trying to work out whether I am ****ed or stupid..... he says " sort it out in the morning"

oh well...patience I suppose.

By the way

What's morning?
blimey sounds like i missed out today then! glad a good day was had by all, i will be out and greenlaning in the near future again i am sure!
Top pics chaps looks like you had a great day sorry i did not make it but disco sump all fixed now so see you all next time.:D:D:D
Well one did drive head on into a ditch, after reversing out the lane, and trying to turn around at the other end! :doh:

The corner looked drivable if you kept high up on the left, How wrong! Once the arse end started to go there was no hope.
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