THE Baldock Services are at J10 off the A1 same services from north or south.

Ryder let me know if you can still meet early and drive up together i will check later if not i will make my way there for 9.30am..

see you tomorrow......
Rangey! Jesus mate, I thought you had disappeared off the planet... you know you'd be welcome in the morning!
We're sorting some pics out now. JC you made the wrong decision and really sorry not to see you. I am sure those who came along would agree. It was certainly wet but no one got stuck (except for one gaylander but we won't mention that until the pics go up!)

It wasn't very rainy but was very muddy. Every lane had a ford... even those that weren't supposed to... this was seriously flooded - even though we still drove the lanes they were all in a condition that our passing could not have made them any worse, or damaged the underlying surface at all.

I have to thank Becca and her other half. He knew the area better than us and was an absoilute whiz with the map reading - Gibbo Phil from LZ even tried to turn his 90 into a boat (submarine?)

The first trip out with both lots of forum members was a delight and I hope we will be doing many more. Thanks to those who came for makiing it such a memorable experience.

The map belongs to gibbo Phil, if you want to meet up in Dunstable sometime I'll take it off you - he turns up here from time to time though not as often as he used to (for romantic reasons I am sure!)
was a really good day if a bit wet but still great to be out. i have seen becca's video of the ford and its not good lol but i must say i did get very worried at times didnt think we would make it!

Jai shame you didnt make it mate tried to ring you and then lost signal for few hours
Does anyone know when windows movie maker was written? I only ask becuase given the amount of abuse it has given me over the last half hour it must be at least 16!
was a really good day if a bit wet but still great to be out. i have seen becca's video of the ford and its not good lol but i must say i did get very worried at times didnt think we would make it!

Jai shame you didnt make it mate tried to ring you and then lost signal for few hours

A BIT WORRIED!!!!!! Talk about understatement of the month... we were al listeneing on the CB when you said...

"Yeah it's ok someone else should drive down here....."

"Arhhhhhh! Oh MY GOD...... NO SCRUB THAT! THE WORLD IS ENDING! DRY LAND IS A MYTH AND THAT MOVIE WITH KEVIN COSTNER WA THE TRUtH IN ALL ITS GLORY!"...... "i have a bad misfire the water is above my head.... my passengers have drowned and i rreally need a pee!"

At least I think that's waht you said!?!:D
sounds fun did you guys do Standon aswell? I couldn't bear changing my diff oils again after doing the deep Fords again i've only done a couple of hundrud mile since last service. Sorry I bailed will explain,

after cming back from playing with toy cars in the woods I came home to grab my winch kit and me steering felt like a ball joint is on its way so I had a look and the drop arm has some play. The rain wasn't that bad but too bad to go cawling under the mota. So I bailed and done some more work on the shed/garage garden and got a fair bit done Tbh.

Anyone know when to throw grass seed down? Or indeed any secrets how to get a nice lawn back.
Anyone know how deep I should dig the Driveway base hardcore/concrete I think its about 2inches of compacted hardcore and 3 or 4 inch thick concrete.
And does anyone need any top soil? Lol.

Lawns are best seeded in April.

Concrete, minimum 100mm on top of well compacted hardcore, the thicker the better, especially if you're going to jack things on it, the point loading is very high. Do not lay when there's a risk of frost either. I'd be inclined to put some steel re-bar in in too.
Jai, check with the council about the driveway. A freind of mine in Bedford says the council will no longer allow concrete driveways due to drainage issues. A neighbour of his had to dig it all up 2 weeks after laying it. It may/ may not be relevant in your area.

Oh and if you are okay to concrete, use rebar. If you ever decide to park 7.5 ton on your drive, it wont crack.
i was thinking along the lines of that although the most it will have on it will be the hybrid which is less than a tonne so it hasn't got to be all that strong. I know my dad used about 6 inches of concrete and really compacted hardcore on his drive and he has parked 8 tonne arctics on it. No probs. Reckon ill use 4 inches and a couple of inches of compacted hardcore which means I gotta dig dig and dig some more hopefully by April I may have a hole deep enough for the concrete base lots of pegging out, and soil to get rid of at a rough guess 3.5 cubic meters no calculator to hand at mo.

If anyone wants any soilq
cheers Mr V think I confused everyone its just a base for the shed but the hybrid will reside in there and indeed get built in there so needs to be strong enough to jack up and ise axle stands in until I can afford to get a trailer and appropriate license to tow it to events. My 90 will never fit in there too high i can just squeeze the hybrid in possibly a standard 88 on 750's nothing too heavy. Cheers guyys Ill start digging Wednesday after work do a bit each night till its too dark to work need to find an easy way of disposing of the old top soil. I'm hoping the flying field needs some

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