I went to Woburn recently with Jake for his birthday. He said if we were very lucky a monkey would do a poo on the car.....we were very lucky...stuff stuck like, well sh*t to a spare wheel cover! :eek:
Lol Jai, I would if I could :D but I think a Tiger Striped 90 is going to look pretty obvious :(
Lol. Hope you and Rach are good Jai - Bumped into Phil the other day and got his new number - But now cant text him - Long story. But I am sure I will bump into you at some point :D
Phil also told me the Pub meeting place hadnt changed (If you read this, I would've found you and slapped your ass for lying!!!) So I could've turned up to the old place. Lol. I may well pop down to one just to say hi one day now it isnt so far away :)

I went to Woburn recently with Jake for his birthday. He said if we were very lucky a monkey would do a poo on the car.....we were very lucky...stuff stuck like, well sh*t to a spare wheel cover! :eek:

Lol, I love those guys, I dont start until Feb but do come back! :D
Imagine how I feel when I get out with a bucket of food in there with the monkeys, quite amusing watching them catch food :D Lol.
Sadly I only work with them once or twice in the season :( Mostly work with Lemurs, Penguins , Wallabies etc :D

Took a drive across the peaks today. Snow all over the higher areas! Had forgotten how scenic that road is... manchester to sheffield,,, a brilliant drive!
Good evening Gents and pintsize,

Just saying hi. I'm not landy mobile at the mo.. The tax is out at the end of the month, mot due in feb, suspected head gasket to do, plus the rear diff is sounding like a imminent failure, so its off the road for some luvvin'. Damn.. I might even wash it.
Funds are tight but I'll try and make the pub meets tho'

OK so we've gone the whole hog and bought a MIG welder. Nothing too expensive but hopefully good enough to learn on and carry out basicrepairs on the Landy when needs be.

Now all Kai and I need to do is learn to use the damn thing. We've checked out a few sites, and taking the advice noted on these we've started practising - moving quickly from "Really Crap" to a slightly better "Slightly ****" status when examining the results.

If anyone has some really good online resources for learning this dark art, please let us know!



tried em already, no luck

Good luck you may find one at a local merc suplier but only if your lucky parts are normally silly prices and only available in Germany

yep, thats what i have been finding!

Would help if you mentioned which engine it was for!!

sorry, i believe its the 3.0 litre diesel but will double ceck in the morrow

Carpy there's something wrong with your phone, give me a call please mate.

ok buddy, will have to be tomorrow afternoon if thats ok with you
try calling them, other than that local factors-but they will want more money
Hi ryder

Send me a PM telling me what welder you got etc.

I am proficiant with arc and mig up to RAC roll cage stds as well as welding collage certificates. Also built a few hybrids and racers in my time.

I use tri gas mig for all normal steel welding but I have used gasless wire for landy repaires in the past. Believe it or not it can be a usefull way to go when you use low power migs.

Make sure your welds are very good before doing any landy repaires. I have seen many a rear x member ger ripped off from off road recovery due to poor welding.

If you can learn to arc weld properly, mig will be easy to pick up with just a few basic rule changes.

I could drop by some time and help you out for the price of a cuppa tea.

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