just got back from norf wales with 2x forward control rims bloody wide and serious and i mean serious offset. Will ry and get them painted, tyres mounted up and some pics on ere asap Jai
Nasty squeak from whell bearings on the front so decided to strip them down and take a look. Horrid brown rust colored gloop where the ep90 should have been!

Wheel bearing almost welded to the stub axle! Tried hammering, heating , belting, swearing, all with no result.

Thanks to Jai for the advice... shall be trying mych more heat tomorrow.

Got to get it sorted in the morning cos we're due in Hendon for that Russ Malkin thingy in the evening!
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You are a glutton for punishment you are. You should have said coz guess where I am at this very moment!

Well I do like to make things hard, just to add to it the wheels are going in the scrap bin tomorrow. They are infact not 2b rims at all but standard rims that have been banded at some point i.e cut, extended (made wider) and then rewelded. TBH They look the dogs but are completly illegal for road use and I suspect too wide for anything except 900x16 or 1250x16. :-(. I did get a refund which is somthing and the guy was most appologetic. I suppose I saw the delights of Norf Wales in the dark. Lol
OK Stb axle bollixed but I got the bearing off :)

Time to order a new stub axle and try again methinks.
well... what a great evening!

Never thought I would be going into Police Training a ground at Hendon voluntarily but there is a first time for everything! really interesting talk from Russ Malkin, Kai enjoyed it tremendously and even got a signed book for his trouble!

Many thanks to Dan for getting us on the guest list.
Phil's just snapped his front prop - if anyone has one for a 90 - or even a spare UJ for the front prop on the 90 (then we can repair the spare) please let us know by PM or phoning him or me if you have our numbers.


Well, what a bleedin day!

Started out that we finished replacing the wheel bearing on my somewhat dodgy stub axle. Got it fitted only to find out that it was not sitting properly and had to let Kai finish off by stripping it back down and re-tightening the bearing. This pulled it all into position I think and has left us readdy for Whaddon tomorrow

meanwhile, Phil decides it is time to change a track rod end..= Easy job you might think, but do not underestimate the ****upability of Phil's motor.

TRE wouldn't come out so he ends up using a replacement track rod kindly loaned by Jai (Cheers Jai)

Not to be outdone, and somewhat ****ed at being beaten so easily the 90 then decides to muller the front prop (see earlier post).

Emergency surgery to a replacement provided by the rangie boys and it looks like we're all in good shape to go.

At least dinner went well!

No injury to anyone, which is the most important thing.

The other vehicle must have been in my blind spot as I went to move right and we crashed. Did it on the quietest part of the journey so really p***ed off with myself but I guess that is what insurance is for.

Got told all the way home by Jacob "Don't hit that car daddy!"
Well, what a bleedin day!

Started out that we finished replacing the wheel bearing on my somewhat dodgy stub axle. Got it fitted only to find out that it was not sitting properly and had to let Kai finish off by stripping it back down and re-tightening the bearing. This pulled it all into position I think and has left us readdy for Whaddon tomorrow

meanwhile, Phil decides it is time to change a track rod end..= Easy job you might think, but do not underestimate the ****upability of Phil's motor.

TRE wouldn't come out so he ends up using a replacement track rod kindly loaned by Jai (Cheers Jai)

Not to be outdone, and somewhat ****ed at being beaten so easily the 90 then decides to muller the front prop (see earlier post).

Emergency surgery to a replacement provided by the rangie boys and it looks like we're all in good shape to go.

At least dinner went well!

So you got a prop?I got a front one, think it fits a 300 disco dunno bout 90's.Got piccies if yer need but no UJ's.
I think Phil got the prop sorted. Apparently he was at my house for a while but I had taken a lot of my tools with us to Whaddon. I know this because every time there was a hump, the toolbox landed half a second after the rest of the car with an almightly wallop!

Was a good day actually, really sorry Phil didn't make it though. Kai got a lot of driving in, and the look on a couple of punk rockers faces as they sat at the edge of a bombhole and watched my 7 year old drive thoruhg was priceless!

I really want to think about some mods that will make it easier for both Kai and Luke to reach the pedals. Anyone got any ideas?

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