If anyone can get hold of an RR Autobox oil cooler pipe that runs from the front rad to main rad I have money waiting.

Anyways a pic of last weekends Offroad overnight stay in the homemade roof tent, better than I thought and nice firework display and stars that particular night heres the pic from the next day,

I'm sure Ryder may have some Competition Pics. Unfortunatly I was running the JTV. It must be said some of these youngsters 8-13 year olds would show up some adult licensed drivers for sure! Anyways thats my excuse for no pics. I did get back in time to see Ryder coming out of a bombhole which was quite impressive sight for Luke abd Kai. I've never seen Kai so happy as he proudly got out the modified tractor with his first clear section being marked on his score card.
I'm sure Ryder may have some Competition Pics. Unfortunatly I was running the JTV. It must be said some of these youngsters 8-13 year olds would show up some adult licensed drivers for sure! Anyways thats my excuse for no pics. I did get back in time to see Ryder coming out of a bombhole which was quite impressive sight for Luke abd Kai. I've never seen Kai so happy as he proudly got out the modified tractor with his first clear section being marked on his score card.

What are the restrictions for the Jtv? I can't drive for another 9 months :( I have a itch to scratch though!

Do i have to have my own motor? (I won't be able to use mine for quite a while! :eek:) And do you know of any held around Surrey :)
If anyone can get hold of an RR Autobox oil cooler pipe that runs from the front rad to main rad I have money waiting.

Anyways a pic of last weekends Offroad overnight stay in the homemade roof tent, better than I thought and nice firework display and stars that particular night heres the pic from the next day,

I'm sure Ryder may have some Competition Pics. Unfortunatly I was running the JTV. It must be said some of these youngsters 8-13 year olds would show up some adult licensed drivers for sure! Anyways thats my excuse for no pics. I did get back in time to see Ryder coming out of a bombhole which was quite impressive sight for Luke abd Kai. I've never seen Kai so happy as he proudly got out the modified tractor with his first clear section being marked on his score card.

Hey what can I say... Kai came running to me when I got out of the car and proudly declared that he had scored a clear round...(annoying actually cos at that point I hadn't!)....

M. JTV is a junior section using a modified tractor... how old are you? You are able to drive an RTV comp younger than driving on the road you know. In fact one guy (jason) was driving, I think he is fifteen... Jai will tell me if I am wrong. but he could put many green laners to shame!).

A brilliant weekend... shooting stars (not target practice but a stellar phenomenon ;)) on the sat night and good company. Oh and even Kai met a new friend... Sky! Will defo be there in the future.

Mseries... if you are there at the comp and you don't have your own motor but can hanlde driving one... I'll even let you have a go in My V8... But if you look dangerous I'll kick you out of the driving seat and put my ten year old in your place!
I am 16... I may have to pop along to a comp one day! Cheers for the offer :D

Where are the comps normally held or is it different every time?
Ok rules n regs time,
Ryder is almost right, Jason is 17 tho and pretty much has his license all but in his hand.

You could drive the TYRO sections no problems this is for un licensed drivers or newbies. The TYRO last time was un usually very flat because there was alot of newbies having a go. There is an art to laying out TYRO sections everything must be safe but challenging trust me its bloody hard. When Ryder said these kids can drive he is not taking the ****! Some of them have been driving since they were 8 and will certainly **** off other new supposidly good drivers.

Its quite funny to watch cos some blokes in their blinged up vehicles that certainly look the part, somtimes just can't take being beaten by a young lad in an old bog standard series 1. Makes me chuckle.

In the trailling we are doing we run to ARC Rules and Regs, there are strict rules obviously being pushed to the limit but rules to try and keep the sport cheap and fun for all. This means my Landy cannot take part and IMO not suited at all and thats why I'm looking for another one that is bog standard so I too can play once again. Take a look at Anglian LRC - Home for the next dates. Not sure yet where im goin but will sot that out in the next few weeks. M series you are most welcome to join us at any time just shout. You will not be allowed to do the RTV that is for licensed drivers only that have some off road experience. Ryder was thrown in at the deep end and done well indeed. Normally I would have made him do the TYRO but it was very gentle for the complete newbies.
I think, to be honest, that I would have been a little disappointed had I done the tyro. As Jai mentions, it was quite simple and despite catching me out on an informal practice run it would not have given me the taster that I got from the RTV.

The RTV itself was an education... Not wanting to go on about it now I'll just say this. If you think you're a good off road driver... try this out for size! Don't get me wrong it's not rocket science but it does require c\areful reading of the terrain, establishing where the problems are likely to occur and how to mitigate against them... and more tghan a little gutsy determination.

I am convinced that a few of the guys on this thread would have a great time and who knows... might even sort the men from the boys! LOL
I only got couple og pics worth showing here. So Here they be!

Just to show we really did get a little muddy!

And one motor doing the things we really want to get to!



Things do go a little awry at times!

A little gentler but still muddy... and this one didn't get a clear round on this one. Just goes to show that things are not always as easy as they look!
Hey Ryder,
I won that 88 coil chassis, Once its back here I can start to build it up and strip the disco asap I think I might be in need of a rusty RR Classic or Disco after a few pay cheques. Jai
I still think you'r going to have a problem getting it onto your roof rack! You know I'll drive for you with a trailer if that's an option, of course I know that's not a very cheap option what with a v8 and trailer hire but we could easily do it in a day, or if you can't get off work I can do it without you and get it back here. Whatever help you want... just shout!

oh yeah and

jai might be able to get you a very cheap classic v8 in grey. neighbour was planning on giving it away until i said ang on a tick - if i had osmewhere to put it i woulda had it but cant see it being possible
Its gotta be a V8, ask the man what he wants for it I am skint and short on space but if he has the right deal I'm in it would certainly help with the 88"
hello chaps, been absent from here for a while now, had to sell my TD5 and the 300tdi so no laning or playing..... things are better on the £ front now so my son and i went to look at a new toy :) and some advice would be appreciated please.
have had a td5 disco, range rover classic and a 3 door modded 300tdi disco, done a few lanes and quite a few pay days so am sort of aware of the pifalls and problems etc any way, went to look at an 82 x reg Series 3 88, been and seen it, been all over it, frame, chasis, bulkheads, swivel joints, etc everything looks good, the guy has spent a lot of time on the mechanics and it all looks good.
Gear change is all over the place though, once in gear it pulls like a train, we crawled it up a grass verge just on tickover, and the lowdown power was astonishing, its a 2.3 4cyl. its here on ebay, what do the royal we think of it at face value...
as i say it drove really well indeed, aside from the incredibley vague steering and VAT of porridge gear change.
thanks in advance, am going back to see it again in the morning . Spyderman, Jai your thoughts pretty please...
Hey Disco52,

My thought and only my thoughts from what you have said:

I would leave the White one on the grounds, that its been played with, the roll cage is nothing but bling it isn't worth anything if you did actually put it over a bit hard. If the Green one is solid (chassis and Bulkhead), pulls well and selects all the gears properly then there isn't much else to go wrong. It seems the guy has spent the money on the right stuff, Ignition coil, engine service items looking after the base vehicle rarther than add a tarty bling rollcage and sticky out wheels that are acyually illegal but I doubt that you would ever get pulled.

I would however get rid of the 205 tyres on the green one and fit some decent 750's mabe avon rangemaster II's, Roady or SAT's Very Offroady tyres. by doing this you will raise the gearing slightly and get slightly better ground clearance under the diff housing.
indeed it does mate, thanks. ive downloaded the lever article and have driven the car and still not 100% sure on lever positions for assorted terrains, guess that will come with time though. regards the tyres, he's chucking in another set that look ok ish for lanes, but yes would definately look for a set of tyres and some guards for now, otherwise, i was amazed by the grunt, is the 2.3 4cyl engine any good in these? i was wary of it being a small ish petrol engine, but he stuck it in 1st and low range 4x4 and left it at tick over and the thing climbed up a very steep verge, one that i know my disco would have struggled with, he then did it in reverse again with no effort whatsoever... think i will be going with the green one in that case, thanks.
will be back on here looking out for the next herts outing, and any one else laning at short notice

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