Sorry you couldn't make it in the end ryder you missed a good one for sure.

Here is a few pics for you from harlington



sounds like you all had a good weekend, my 90's been working like a bitch all weekend!!! bloody scout camps!!! i didnt unattach the trailer between 10am thursday and 1900 sunday. she was a trooper throughout and really showed the disco 3's up!

hope to see you all soon, hopefully some of u at billing!

Yeah us too! Soddin customers. Business would be so good if it weren't for customers and their damn credit terms! ;)

Phil... hmmm good piccy's considering the hour!
Hi all at pub meet somebody mentioned Wales later this year and France next year! Whats your thoughts??? Personaly I cant wait,but will have to go and spend some money at Billing first. See you at the beer tent!!! Steve
I think France has to be done next year money holiday etc all out!. Wales could be a low key long weekend mabe late this year possibly on the cheap now I have a super dooper cooker burnerer thingy majig. Jai
Wales sounds very good...

Jai, i have a programme at work, will chuck it on a disk and get it to you somehow......
Anyone fancy being 'away from home' for Christmas? If you're thinking of a time to go to Wales?

I've been gagging to do something different for Christmas for years, and this could be a solution. Obviously a B&B or something rather than camping tho.
Things have changed at home. I can now go to Billing on the Saturday, so will look out for everyone. You'll probably find me wallowing in the Mud Hole.
Brett you was saying about you wanted to do some rock climbing,

Fancy giving this ago?

[ame=""]YouTube - Aetna boys at Morris Mountain[/ame]

Too tame that one, this is more like it.:D

[ame=""]YouTube - 4x4 Extreme Off-Road[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - 4x4 jeep sport iceland Formula Off-Road uphill[/ame]

i found you the new family car for when the shogun goes, dont worry you wont be getting stuck often :D

[ame=""]YouTube - Off-road vehicle LITVINA[/ame]
brett we can all ways practice with this one

[ame=""]YouTube - Extreme Rock Climbing[/ame]

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