OK I have to bail out on Monday. Family commitments I am afraid! Also went out and did a couple of lanes today and got a puncture so without a spare!

Cheers all

Have a great drive on Monday!
Center diff lock?

I'm pretty sure you have an LT230 transfer box. but I didn't see any linkage linking the small leaver inside to the Transfer box itself mabe you need to get that hooked up.

Driving off road where traction is really bad without locking the center diff can put an awful ammount of strain on it that it was never designed for. Mabe you have traction control that will help stop any bad center diff probs but it would be nice to be able to lock it manually me thinks. Jai
I doube that I will be about Monday either I have a bucket load of stuff to get done and just can't afford the time out sorry Guys. Jai
Monday Lanes.

Pm's sent. If anyone wants to go that hasn't ha a PM let me know.

Will be doing Ashwell, Therfield and lanes over towards M11, will have a look at Furneaux Pelham too.
Hoped to get out and do some lanes this weekend, but nothing works out as planned, new alternators on the verge of packing up and can't get it sorted till next weekend now.
Center diff lock?

I'm pretty sure you have an LT230 transfer box. but I didn't see any linkage linking the small leaver inside to the Transfer box itself mabe you need to get that hooked up.

Driving off road where traction is really bad without locking the center diff can put an awful ammount of strain on it that it was never designed for. Mabe you have traction control that will help stop any bad center diff probs but it would be nice to be able to lock it manually me thinks. Jai

Yeah, if it does have a diff lock it will be missing the linkage. I need to save up for the Ashcrofts one at a mere £245 plus vat.

Got TC, but would be nice to have a lockable centre diff as well :)
is that for the linkage only or is it some special new gearstick turret aswell? Jai I'm sure with the right bits from other vehicles you could get it for much less Jai
P.s has anoyone got a new 300 tdi waterpump and gasket for sale at a reasonable price? ordered one from paddocks but its not gonna be here before the bearing gives out by the sound of it. Jai
Ok its nothing like our normal linkage don't think we will be making that up in an afternoon. Looks like a nice bit of kit tho. Jai
good stuff, see some of you guys on monday. looks like i will be travelling from laleston in bridgend, SW so will be a bit of an early start for me!
Progress! Both heads have their valves back in, leaking core plug replaced (what a pig that was) everything ready to go back on tomorrow providing it isn't chucking it down. Fingers crossed the engine should be running by tomorrow evening :5bhurray:

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