Bloody right! I'm still undecided on whether to do both boxes or just the tranny box. I'm still not sure quite how I'm going to do it either!
Not too bad floors up. Centre tunnel up,
Gear leaver off, drop the gearbox cross Member breather pipes x2 reverse switch diff lock switch wires and speedo undo all bellhousing and gearbox mounts take out.

If it's just tranny box that's easier but if there was no oil in the gearbox then it's a toss up weather to fit a known box or hope it's not noisey or done any damage. Output splines condition I think would swing it either way for memos they're good then take a punt and just don't tranny box of they're bad swap it for a known good box.
In stuffed all weekend Rachel's birthday Sunday and Sat i'm helping run Devils pit drive round for Cana members in their shiny 4x4's. Weds eve I'm screwed picking up a car for Rach. But evenings other than should be ok if I swing it with Rach
What is it with gearboxes at the moment :eek:

If you need any able bodied chaps to lean against your garage door offering up loads of crap while you wallow in the crap then I'm sure we can oblige :cool:
What is it with gearboxes at the moment :eek:

If you need any able bodied chaps to lean against your garage door offering up loads of crap while you wallow in the crap then I'm sure we can oblige :cool:

I might just take you up on that. I'm going to attempt to strip the transmission tunnel this weekend I think.
Hi guys,

Long time no see, probably don't even know half of you knew folk haha. Was thinking of doing some lanes either this evening or tomorrow evening, anybody about?

Will be beds/Herts area or wherever if someone has a better idea.

Jai, is classickev still on here?

I'm not about tonight just changing tyres now as I'm up Devils Pit tomorrow running an event. Sunday they are comp safari racing up there but it's Rachel's b day so we cannot play :-(
Hey up Glenn

How's Tricks??

Kev is on occasionally on he is in North Wales now tho

Yeah things are all good mate, how's hou am the other half?

I was planning a little laning/camping trip to Wales next month hence wondering about Kev. Be nice to hook up with him at some point on the trip.

You still got the 90?

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