You guys have a great night, i will still be working.....

Whaddon is still fun atleast the mud washes off , unlike the devils pit lol

Are there many trials close to us ?

will keep checking posts to see if anyone is getting out and about, will also come along to next pub meet. be good to see who is local
A few trials depends how modified your motor is as to which clubs suit a lot of us are ALRC I used to be AWDC and bhclrc briefly but all depends what mods as our rules allow limited modifications.

We are at Brickhill on the 14th Dec trialling
i have not been into " off roading long "

but have built my own discovery conversion,,,
its not too bad , know what i have to do for the next project, it looks a little odd but drives well and i like its character !

not sure how legal it would be for events !
although it is mot and taxed
Whaddon is great for the kids to learn to drive boring after a while I know Krams is working hard to make more tracks. Not been for a year used to go quite regular teaching my nieces to drive offroad. Devils pit as you say destroys everything but lots of fun in the wet, boring in the dry you can drive everywhere pretty much.
Well for our club they want it as per factory pretty much quite strict regs. I used to be massively against theALRC Anal regs. AWDC loads of mods through and through. Until....... People were turning up in non road legal wrecks for RTV and it stopped being fun in slightly modified but quite well sorted 90. I Gave up. went to BHCLRC good guys but I never clicked that was 7 ys ago. Last 5 years I recognise the place for ALRC ripped my lockers out changed ratios and bumpers and all that to play semi std keeping it about driving skill opposed to who has the deepest pockets. I do recognise tho that the terrain that can be driven by a competent driver in a sorted modified motor is amazing. there is life outside the ALRC but it will cost you either ££££ or cost you a nice motor into a wreck.
after having a quick read,
think i would be only able to do ccv/ modified stuff,

even then im not sure of all those rules, will have to get some reading done
BHCLRC have less strict regsasdoes AWDC AWDC is good for most mods you just go up in class they are a good bunch of lads lots of laughs but its not cheap. It will cost you £££ or you will end up with a wrecked landy no good for the road.
i just enjoy the mud to be honest,
i like learning the differant skills off road.

my truck is no oil painting but is just about road legal and accepted by the law.
its more fun, although i admit it is way over the top for local lanes,
i think i just got carried away and enjoyed tinkering with it.
We need a pic now!

Its all about having fun. I've done the modified route on my 90 its been in more tree's bent most the bodywork and been parked on its side trying to beat someone somewhere over the years. Its now going to retire its a wreck but it will be a reliable wreck for towing the CCV 80 about when I finally get around to doing it!
Right got them to open the back table as its a its busy!

Back left hand side of the pub. I saw rich disco in the car park but no idea where you are Rich.

First ever lane just completed :) :) :) :) :clap2::cheer2:


Thanks to the guys last night for the heads-up, good meeting you all, I certainly won't be needing another one of them great big burgers for a while now!!
Yep the burgers are huge!! Not cheap either!!

I will do my best to get sorted for the weekend but cannot promise. I'm usually around after work a couple of week days a week


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