Cool, that's only up the toad for me, well 25 min away
That's one mighty burger ..
It defeated KillaJoules but I polished mine off.
Nom Nom Nom:beer:
20 or £25 membership for the year and then £20 per event
Man vs food ..
Man wins
Hope you didn't pay much for it
"I didn't even come on a plate"
It's on an old roofing tile
Does look nice tho
Price is now £35 inc membership and £30 after per event for roundhill woods. Rent has gone up so burnham off roaders have had to put prices up.
Just got myself a cb, but forgot to get a SWR meter is any one going roundhill Sunday and got one I can borrow?
If I make it, I'lll bring mine.
What time does round hills open on Sunday
Looks like il be going but as the range rover is not ready and the discovery is up for sale
I'll be going with a mate in his disco