Local laning dates I can do are Tuesday or Thursday next week after work. Does this week work out for anyone?

Starting at Jansel house in Stopsley at say 8.00pm
Possibly do Thurs- what sort of range (mileage) does local cover? haven't got a CB yet either!
any one fancy driving round snowdonia on the 8th december.

it's funny you say that, i've been looking at wales and was going to post and see if anyone fancied a long weekend towards the start of next year. If anyone in interested let me know and i will start doing some research.
it's funny you say that, i've been looking at wales and was going to post and see if anyone fancied a long weekend towards the start of next year. If anyone in interested let me know and i will start doing some research.

What would be the likleyhood of a landowner/campsite nice farmer would allow us to do a wee bit of airgun shooting some wabbits for some camp food? Just an idea as I know a few of us enjoy shooting
What would be the likleyhood of a landowner/campsite nice farmer would allow us to do a wee bit of airgun shooting some wabbits for some camp food? Just an idea as I know a few of us enjoy shooting

i don't see why not, they are considered vermin, and what with fox hunting being illegal now they are bloody everywhere. we can certainly ask. im liking the look of the snowdonia area. i am going to start a thread to try to get some map info, only to see which areas are best, and which maps to buy. i have watched a billion videos on youtube and it looks both stunning and technical. :)
i don't see why not, they are considered vermin, and what with fox hunting being illegal now they are bloody everywhere. we can certainly ask. im liking the look of the snowdonia area. i am going to start a thread to try to get some map info, only to see which areas are best, and which maps to buy. i have watched a billion videos on youtube and it looks both stunning and technical. :)
Hi . I go to wales a couple of times a year . Normaly go up north wales to corwen. wayfarer etc . camp near mieford on friends farm .then go down to strata ,rayhader. would be interested in tagging along if that's ok. im just outside Bletchley ,so quite local to you.
Hi . I go to wales a couple of times a year . Normaly go up north wales to corwen. wayfarer etc . camp near mieford on friends farm .then go down to strata ,rayhader. would be interested in tagging along if that's ok. im just outside Bletchley ,so quite local to you.
absolutely, it would be good to have someone with us who knows the area a little. i have never been so all new for me. i think i need to invest in a few more maps. any recommendations as to which?
absolutely, it would be good to have someone with us who knows the area a little. i have never been so all new for me. i think i need to invest in a few more maps. any recommendations as to which?
I use landranger 124 ,125, 135 . 136. Theres plenty of lanes to choose from . when do u plan on going ?
We had a north Wales trip planned but everyone dropped out for various reasons I cannot commit to anything yet but early part of next year sounds grand to me

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