Right O think we semi planned on an outing End of June, I can't do the last weekend tho.

Booger was on the one of these last outings with his usual crazyness, good nature and mucho **** taking made for an awsome weekender! Many of you know Booger is no longer with us anymore. If we have half the enjoyment, **** taking and half the ammount of Monkeys Elbow Its garanteed to be a good one!!!

Anyone want to put forward dates??

Plan (like last time, when we Failed) was to drive from Ely to Great Yarmouth (Maybe chippies involved) via as many Lanes as possible. I will say we didn't get far and we did alot of lanes last time this time its Yarmouth or bust!!

I think its gotta be a full on 2 solid days if not 3 solid days.

Any takers?? and idea's of dates?? J
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Right O think we semi planned on an outing End of June, I can't do the last weekend tho.

Booger was on the one of these last outings with his usual crazyness, good nature and mucho **** taking made for an awsome weekender! Many of you know Booger is no longer with us anymore. If we have half the enjoyment, **** taking and half the ammount of Monkeys Elbow Its garanteed to be a good one!!!

Anyone want to put forward dates??

Plan (like last time, when we Failed) was to drive from Ely to Great Yarmouth (Maybe chippies involved) via as many Lanes as possible. I will say we didn't get far and we did alot of lanes last time this time its Yarmouth or bust!!

I think its gotta be a full on 2 solid days if not 3 solid days.

Any takers?? and idea's of dates?? J

As always with me its all about the days I'm working or more the mornings I'm not
So once you know the dates that every one else can do il see if I can do it as well
Not sure about a three day trip but I could always give you a head start and head you off via the road for the last day
Took the 90 out today Myself and Rachel did the Team Chaos Treasure hunt. Must say was a bloody good day plenty of chances to drive the local lanes if you knows whats legal. We did a few and it cost us penalty points but laning added to the fun! 90 didn't miss a beat great day out (I only forgot I had the tow bar attached a couple of times) but was all good!! I think the money raised was circa £300 ish all for macmillan
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Ive just been on bedford borough council website and see a lot of lanes are closed again because they say they are to wet. Its been dry and warm for a few weeks now so im thinking they wont open again. Forty foot, yelnow and scott lane are a few. Not good for local 4x4 owners who enjoy going out in the countryside. Whats your thoughts
I'm sure 40 foot will never re open fully, the councils are strapped if cash and maintaining the lanes is wasted money in their book. They have little or no interest in helping us responsible 4x4 owners they are interested in looking after the walkers many of the old RoW team were walkers afterall.
All we can do is email I'm sure Michelle was really helpful but the others were a waste I time. Michelle did her best and explained to us why the lanes were closed but those above here were not helpful.

I would say a letter to them asking why they are closed each lane is well worth doing we could all send a similar letter and one to some mags for support.

I would say glass however I've wasted my membership money once and won't bother again.
All we can do is email I'm sure Michelle was really helpful but the others were a waste I time. Michelle did her best and explained to us why the lanes were closed but those above here were not helpful.

I would say a letter to them asking why they are closed each lane is well worth doing we could all send a similar letter and one to some mags for support.

I would say glass however I've wasted my membership money once and won't bother again.

A think a letter is called for. Be a shame if we loose our local lanes.
Been stripping the front end down today. Old axle is completely trashed, ordered loads of new bits, so can make up a pretty much brand new one out of the two that I have. New swivels, bearings, seals, brakes.
Been stripping the front end down today. Old axle is completely trashed, ordered loads of new bits, so can make up a pretty much brand new one out of the two that I have. New swivels, bearings, seals, brakes.

Should last you a couple of outings then :p
Hi Guys and Girls,

Just checking in, making sure everyone is still alive!

Nice to see the thread is still going!

Brett, Might be in touch at some point matey, just aquired a series 3 project vehicle - its a right state, so might need some advice and you're the man in the know when it comes to these vehicles!

Going to go a bit more standard on mine tho! i see yours has come along some way!

Hope your all well chaps


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