Hell... if not it should be so! reckon I should get away without paying for the baby, if i tell Rose I want a bulk discount she'll think I am calling her fat.

And I ain't brave enough for that!
MMMMMMMMMMM Know what you mean. What is it people say about discretion being the better part of valour? and wasn't there something about old pilots and bold pilots ? Mind you.... you could just "forgot to mention..." maybe...ish
As a Kid I sneaked into santa pod many times in the back of a 2.0 cavalier with my bro and his mates when they were supposed to be babysitting me.

The only time I get to santa pod is when we have to sneak OUT of santa pod groiunds after pulling Ryder from 40 foot. Lol but its always Fun!

Ha ha... yes we did get to leave a little late that night. And all the santa pod crew had packed up and gone home.
Do we have a head count yet?

Well I count the following:

Chris Rose n Crew
Classic Kev
Rangie boys x 3
Gibbo Phill n Better half
Leonburger n Beth
13 vehicles thus far... anyone not included here?
A group of 13 is a bit big.

We will have to split down into smaller groups for laning, and I'm not sure what the implications are for driving on the road in a group, I didn't think there were any rules but apparently there are. Anybody know what they are?

Hey ho, I guess nearer the time we will all have to get together and decide how we are going to organise this little trip. Any excuse to meet in a pub!!
Kev, the Army drive in convoys on the road all of the time. We'll need lots of Yorkie Bars of course.
We'll have to split up for the lanes, maybe into the 'Stuck' and the 'Not stuck';)
Would make sense to ensure that every group has someone equipped with a winch and someone who has a vague idea how to read a map. I doubt very much if my winch will be up and running by then, but we'll see.
us TOSSERS always try and ensure the leader and tail-ender have a CB - that way any problems can be passed to each end and the guy at the back knows if they need to close gates, etc.

If you think about Army convoys - they tend to space out , to enable other vehicles to overtake easily - not sit in a long line.
We do the Radio/CB bit, plus there's always mobiles. I don't think a convoy should be do bad, after all it's M1, M25, M3, then A303 for most of the journey, so plenty of overtaking room. The last bit, we'll probably be held up at 5mph behind a load of pikeys in caravans anyway.
Hear what you say guys.

CB is not a problem and is definately the way to go. I suppose one way of getting around some of the problem is to arrange to meet somewhere en-route. The guys from Hertfordshire can go as one group, those from Beds in another and meet at a convenient service station near to where we are going. Just a thought.

As for the laning part of the equation, I suppose we could look at the maps, figure the route, send one group off and at the same time another group to drive the lanes starting at the end (if that makes sense) and meet in the middle. A third group ( if necessary) can then choose which way round they want to drive and start say 15min behind the others. CB is great in a small group but may not work for all of the rabble all day but we do have mobile phones if there are problems, which I'm sure there won't be!!

So I suppose it is really a question of deciding on a route. I've not been down to Salisbury so I can't even begin to make suggestions but as I said, perhaps we should all arrange to hook up one evening nearer the time to come up with a strategy.
15 minute gap might be the way to go, it allows the first group to get the beers in for us for when we arrive.:D
Plus, if someone gets really stuck help is close at hand.
Reading this is getting me a bit excited for this trip lol cant wait.

[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']And as for groups I think on the road there is no problem at all highway code says nothing about travelling in convoys however for the lanes groups are a must. And I would be happy to be a recovery vehicle within one of the groups we could possibly meet at South Mims Services where A1 meets M25. [/FONT]
All sounds great I can't wait!,

I have some hand held cb radios on a single channel that we could make use of the plus side to them is that they can be used in conjunction with our vehicle cb rigs. I have to do an oil change etc but nothing too mad. Jai
All sounds great I can't wait!,

I have some hand held cb radios on a single channel that we could make use of the plus side to them is that they can be used in conjunction with our vehicle cb rigs. I have to do an oil change etc but nothing too mad. Jai

These sound great Jai. Will complement the CBs rather than working against them
If a stop point for a break was planned somewhere near M25 or M3 then i could meet up with the group along the way as i am based in Surrey.