Just tell them anything you can mate, you can't be expected to know the exact location- all fields look the same..
but whatever you do, call it in- number for non emergencies is 101.
Rite just called 101 (essex police department) and explained the story to her (poor cow had to listen to me lol) and it was found yestaday at 5.30am by land owner it was the right one as well as i gave her the main road that the fields where of. also the colour and age (h reg) good news tho
Thanks for all your help guys first time at all this the last thing i thought of was calling in the cops as i had not very much info but thank god i did also bigs to chunkey munkey for the 101 shout good call tho
Sorry i mean david cooper for the 101 shout and a big thanks to you as well tho chunkey much appreciated
Thats what my mates all said they know a bit about landys through me and how many bad ones i Had but they couldnt belive wot they where seeing and how clean it was to me thats like seeing a lambo with no wheels on in a field
Good work guys :), Moby and your mate in particular

I just had a quick look on the White 90's reported stolen in the last couple of months on LandyWatch and it doesn't appear to match anything that was reported on there (but I reckon we only get to see roughly 1 in 10)

Still, hopefully some good news for one owner :)
Nice one Moby. Nice to see someone trying to do something. Good man.

Also, on a general note, nice one to Partmonkey and anyone involved in landywatch! I hope i don't need your help one day but its good to see you trying to help people out. :clap2:
Just a heads up guys It was found in nazing ( near broxbourne) and found out it was a local car from harlow ( so i was told) so anyone from these areas be aware

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