
New Member
Hi guys and girls i had a phone call earlier from a mate of mine he was out on his motorcross tues and came across a fender 90 white with no wheels on itbut in one piece cb snorkal hi lift jack all still in tack its in the middle of no where he has got a few pics which he is trying to send me he said it at hiking gear in the back as well the weird thing is its in a farmers field as soon as i get pics iwill up load them just wanna get it back to its owners oooo its a h reg as well.
I'd report it to old bill.. that may be someone's pride and joy lying there. It'll be set upon by the vultures before too long.
Pics as follows:


  • Landy1.jpg
    63.8 KB · Views: 470
  • IMG-20130103-WA0001.jpg
    84.7 KB · Views: 431
Yep report it to old bill. Has it got reg on it or windows etched.

Probable been dumped to see if has a tracker. Wheels removed to stop anyone else having it.
And before anyone starts saying about the bikes on the car in the back etc etc nothing got stolen or broke they was doing what any other person would do and looking over the car for clues because they couldnt belive wot they came across my mate is taking me there tomorow as its to hard for me to find then i can get reg ,location then contact the cops
If its unlocked fair game to have a look. The tax disc if still there will have a location on. Might be where the motors from......might not.
And before anyone starts saying about the bikes on the car in the back etc etc nothing got stolen or broke they was doing what any other person would do and looking over the car for clues

Sorry mate, but I wouldn't have even touched it. It's clearly hot as a very hot thing.. last thing I'd want to do is put my finger prints all over it.
I'd definitely had a look I suppose.. but is it on private land?
You know as much as me guys i will find more out later i have a idea where it is but no one is around to find it with me if someone wants to go for a ride im more than happy to try to find it tonite but its like finding a needle in a hay stack im not saying exact loction as you never know who could be reading this and as for field its in my mates saw it in a distance and went on the field so could be private land i have no idea its in the region of waltham abbey if anyone wants a ride in my bobtail
Can anyone put it on landywatch or do i need to it i aint got a clue with computers(my girlfriend does all the uploading etc and shes just gone out)
Sorry mate, but I wouldn't have even touched it. It's clearly hot as a very hot thing.. last thing I'd want to do is put my finger prints all over it.
I'd definitely had a look I suppose.. but is it on private land?

Old bill wont get finger prints.
You guys know as much as me as soon as i find out more i will let you guys know i have a rough idea of it location withing appox 3 mile square i might go out in a hour to find it as i want to get it back to the owner and i wont be able to bloody sleep if that was mine i would kill the f.cking scum bags im trying to contact my mate but hes still at work so could be a long night if anyone wants to join in your more than welcome. Its about 15 mile from my home address and thats in waltham abbey i dont want to give exact location as you never know who is watching

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