
New Member
exellent days laning today , thanx to BandM and global for organizing it all , had luverly bacon roll and coffee in the pub before we set orf , 2 groups of 5 , some twisty tight lanes and some straight and open ones and a exellent bomb hole at the end which you could play in all day, with a nigh vertical drop off . and a nice pint in a very nice pub to round off the day , no pics tho , forgot camera
A big Yeehaw and thank you to you all for making such a great day in hertford , your all great bunch of people .
Made some new friends and learnt alot ,with much more to learn .It was perfect . Now wheres that car wash ..

Thank you Global and Band M

we have pics and video's of the bomb hole, as soon as i can i will get some up on youtube, had fun we must do it again. Any one interested in the Farmers boy 4x4 club please PM me.
good to see you fellas had a good day out.Looking forward to seeing those piccies!
Soz i had to blow yous out sounds like i missed a goodun!
Morning all, was indeed a good lane day. Me and a few others Terry and Gary i belive are thinking of doing another days laning this coming weekend if anyone is interested the lanes will be around the Hertfordshire area however being slightly more Tec. if your interested let me know. Prob meet at Farmers Boy again. :)
If you're gonna meet at my local, then the Bacon Sarnies & Coffe etc were by special arrangement with Gary the landlord - Global and I took a punt on the cost - I'm sure Gary will be ok with you all meetinhg up there, but as it is my local, a courtesy phone call would be appreciated, he may even open up early again and do the same, but of course there will be a cost involved. To early to say yet, but may join you myslef, see if i can redeem myself after being the first one to get stuck after only 5 mins from setting off!!!!
Gutted i missed out on the last one. Let me know what day, time and place and i'll see if i can make it.

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