
New Member
Hi guys, just wondering if someone could help me out here,got in the car, everythings working fine, turn the engine on, started off down the road, and then noticed none of the dials were working! The fuel, temp, speedo, revs, all of them were at '0' and theres no display on the odometer (but they still light up fine). The car drives fine (except the handbrake seems to be playing up recently), all the electrics work, windows, lights (inc the lights for the dials), radio etc.

So I tried checking some fuses, I couldn't see one that was relevant, but tried 13 (didnt know what it was) and 19 (since the fuel gauge is 0), but they were both fine. Tried fuse 8 aswell as I noticed people had mentioned it on older threads. Just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem?

Not got a great deal of mechanical experience, so if anyone has any pointers they'd be greatly appreciated

Cheers guys!
Almost certainly a blown fuse, all the signals come from different sensor and I imagine they are routed through the same circuit. Pull each one and inspect it if you must :).
take the shroud of and see if the plug has come out thats the only thing i can think off unless it is a fuse some where and then you have a problem
If the fuse "looks fine" check it has voltage at both sides relative to earth. Then go from there.
I have a freelander 2001 plate
I have put the code in the radio and it doesn't switch on
Wat am I doing wrong
Please help

apart from crashing a thread on a totally different subject, you have put the right code in wrong, or you have put the wrong code in right, or even put the wrong code in wrong.

(think that covers all bases)

need a bit more info, like what radio ?

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