fitted the synergy 2 today, what a difference, i've not done a long run yet but so far it's like driving a different and much better car. It's set at 7, any thoughts on best setting or is it just trail and error. Thank you all for your help i'm sure you've saved me a fortune. :clap2:
Setting 7 only gives a modest improvement and the range 7-9 is for quite badly degraded Bosch sensors.

If you fitted a new Pierburg maf then you should be in the range 4-6, 4 being low improvement in response and 6 being high.

So settings 3, 6, 9 give the same increase in power but have low, med or high maf sensor compensation.

If you did fit a Pierburg I'd try setting 6 and only reduce it if you get excessive smoke, but I doubt you will.
i didn't fit a new maf as the bosch was not totally dead. i will eventually but couldn't spend the money just now. 6 or 7 were recommended for economy so i went for 7 based on that.
i didn't fit a new maf as the bosch was not totally dead. i will eventually but couldn't spend the money just now. 6 or 7 were recommended for economy so i went for 7 based on that.

Weird recommendation is that because 6 is a full power setting and 7 is a relatively low increase with a Pierburg Maf.

Don't worry about economy, you won't see mpg suffer even with a high setting. When you drive normally/gently you'll find you just use less throttle movement.

My suggestion is to try 3 or 6. Both these settings give the same power/torque increase but with 3 being for a slightly degraded Maf and 6 for one that's more seriously degraded. If 3 works without any flat spots then no need to go to 6

The range 7 to 9 is only necessary for Pierburg Mafs.
Couldn't be bothered to read though all of this thread but lack of power after a service is usually down to the air filter cover not fitted back on properly. Not sure how this causes this problem as any air drawn in is still going through the AFM but I've seen many cases where the cover is not seated properly and causing sluggish performance.
i'll try it on 3 chaser, thanks. and clutchdust i suspected that the cover wasn't on right and might be effecting it but thought i was being daft! however my maf was dodgy as well so i'm happy with the fix and i ensured the cover went on correctly after fitting the synergy 2.

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