
Head's a shed
So the people that have read my last build thread will know I've bought another 90. Now known as "Red shed" :D To the others that haven't pic's will be along shortly ;)

You may well be thinking why hasn't he put the other one on the road but is buying another 90. Well the simple answer is this was bought with savings and I don't want to use saving to put the other one on the road.
Wages will do that eventually and it's a expense I can do without at the moment.

Any way the predominant reason for buying was because I'm not in work. Might sound daft but it keeps me busy and most importantly happy :)
Being out of work depresses me at the best of times so this will be a godsend. Well hopefully.
I'm only doing it for the enjoyment I get out of it, Not to keep as that's what the one I've just build is for. Well actually depending which way this goes this could be the keeper but I'll get onto that later ;)

I did 'um and 'ah about whether to start this thread and I've no idea if there will be any interest seeing as I've already done 2, But I'll make a start and we'll go from there.

What's the plan? Well I haven't got a clue yet. I have a few ideas which I'll get onto in a moment.
One thing for sure is that the 2.5td will be going.
The chassis seems pretty sold but we'll see when the body's off and I attack it with me big 'ammer :D
Axles are 10 spline so unsure what to do with them at the moment, But thinking at least a disc braked back axle.
The body is actually pretty straight. Well for a landrover :p The doors need repairing, But that shouldn't be a bad job as it's only the bottoms.
Be under no illusions this needs a lot of work to get it up to my standards.

So as I said I have a few ideas. All with differing cost, time, difficulty etc....

So option 1,
Clean the chassis up, Paint the body, Stick a tdi in it, Disc back axle and what ever other litle bits I decide.

Option 2,
Same as above but stick a galv chassis under it. But this depends how good or bad the original chassis is.

Or option 3,
I did say on my other thread I had a silly idea for it :eek:
Put a cummins 6bt in it :D Possibly on a galv chassis. Again original chassis condition depending and sell the blue one when this is finished.
This is the way I'm leaning at the mo :D.

Anyway I'll shut up for a bit and stick some pic's up of the red shed.




Free assorted rammel came with it.


And the engine that wont be in their very long ;)

Get that piece of s**t out of my street or I'll call council again you f***king bad neighbour.

love George:D p.s.

Move the other heap as well............Remember...

We are watching you:D:D:D:D
I've read one and two so I'm looking forward to reading number three. Good luck with it and don't for get to wave to your neighbour:D
Good on ya fella
Told you, this will be your new business
rebuilding and selling land rovers
Get that piece of s**t out of my street or I'll call council again you f***king bad neighbour.

love George:D p.s.

Move the other heap as well............Remember...

We are watching you:D:D:D:D

:lol: I know you're watching me, I saw you curtain twitching this afternoon yer nosey bugger :boink:

Other heap, HEAP :mad: , I'll have you know it's like brand nooo :p

I've read one and two so I'm looking forward to reading number three. Good luck with it and don't for get to wave to your neighbour:D

Was waving this afternoon when I saw him peeping through the curtain :D

Good on ya fella
Told you, this will be your new business
rebuilding and selling land rovers

Haha, I'd like it to happen so maybe at some point in the future :)
Happy doing it as a hobby for now.

your to busy to have a job now.

It'll go back to just weekends and evenings when I'm back in work.
Got to earn some money from somewhere :)

go for the cummins lad, im doing it at the moment, its... entertaining to say the least :D

Yep, I really, really want to do it :D I'm just slightly worried about it. Well actually it's the gearbox to lt230 adaptor that's my concern.
How do you plan on doing it?
Nice to know I'll have someone reading the thread who's doing the conversion. You'll probably know more than me so plenty of advice may be needed :D
If you strip the TD out the bracket for the PAS pump and the pulley will sell to the non-PAS ex-military boys
Yep, I really, really want to do it :D I'm just slightly worried about it. Well actually it's the gearbox to lt230 adaptor that's my concern.
How do you plan on doing it?
Nice to know I'll have someone reading the thread who's doing the conversion. You'll probably know more than me so plenty of advice may be needed :D

Yeah the mating of the boxed has me a bit worried too but im sure ill figure it out one way or another! plan id to do something similar to SITEC i think, it seems to be the most seamless/shortest length setup which is what i am after. im a mechanical design engineer so should be able to draw up the mating plate on CAD fairly handy and get it made. haha, i dont know will i know more than yourself but we can definitely bounce ideas off each other anyway!
Yeah the mating of the boxed has me a bit worried too but im sure ill figure it out one way or another! plan id to do something similar to SITEC i think, it seems to be the most seamless/shortest length setup which is what i am after. im a mechanical design engineer so should be able to draw up the mating plate on CAD fairly handy and get it made. haha, i dont know will i know more than yourself but we can definitely bounce ideas off each other anyway!

If I'm honest it scares me (a lot). Is Sitec's the 101?
You're in a better position than me being a mechanical design engineer.
Looks simple(ish) but it's getting the bloody thing made.
I'd be tempted to get 2 made up as I know my brother wants one built if I have success.

You probably do know more than me, I've only been looking for the last couple of weeks and I haven't even got an engine :)

Oh forgot to say what box are you using? Auto or manual.
Would have to be manual if I go ahead :)
If I'm honest it scares me (a lot). Is Sitec's the 101?
You're in a better position than me being a mechanical design engineer.
Looks simple(ish) but it's getting the bloody thing made.
I'd be tempted to get 2 made up as I know my brother wants one built if I have success.

You probably do know more than me, I've only been looking for the last couple of weeks and I haven't even got an engine :)

Oh forgot to say what box are you using? Auto or manual.
Would have to be manual if I go ahead :)

well if i manage to get my drawings right and the mating plate works out for me id be more than happy to share the design so that might ease your concerns a bit haha! im using the manual box that came with the Daf 45, ZF 5-42 (I think thats the right code). simply because it was built to sit behind that engine and i trust it to do its job, also it seems to be the tried and tested method of any other transplants i have seen!
Wouldn't worry about doing another rebuild thread, we'll all be fascinated. Great thing about it is that you'll come across different problems and so we will all learn from it. Looking forward to each instalment already. :D
well if i manage to get my drawings right and the mating plate works out for me id be more than happy to share the design so that might ease your concerns a bit haha! im using the manual box that came with the Daf 45, ZF 5-42 (I think thats the right code). simply because it was built to sit behind that engine and i trust it to do its job, also it seems to be the tried and tested method of any other transplants i have seen!

Yep that's the right code and that the box I would go for, As you say it's kind of tried and tested.
And thanks for the offer, If you get the mating to work that would be great :) and most definitely ease concerns :eek: and would be more than happy to provide beer tokens as it'd help me greatly :)

Just need to find an engine now :D
Yep that's the right code and that the box I would go for, As you say it's kind of tried and tested.
And thanks for the offer, If you get the mating to work that would be great :) and most definitely ease concerns :eek: and would be more than happy to provide beer tokens as it'd help me greatly :)

Just need to find an engine now :D

Yeah, this'll be my first engine swap so i want to keep to the tried and tested methods for now haha!

as has been said above, getting a complete truck is ideal really, theres a lot of piece of mind in being able to drive it before committing to such a large build... i didnt have the space for a truck at home either so borrowed space in a friends yard for a few weeks to do the work at weekends, but to give you an idea, it took me (an enthusiastic with limited experience) 4 hours to single handedly (besides driving the front loader) remove the engine and box from the truck and maybe all told, the same again to get all the small bits off it that i wanted.
i had to do it at weekends as i was working 1.5hrs away during the weeks but with yourself i assume at the moment you could devote more time to it than me, i reckon if you could find yourself a similar setup you could have it done in two days and have the truck scrapped.

another thing to consider is i bought the truck complete for €700, i got €50 for scrapping the cab, €200 for selling the tires, €100 for selling miscellaneous parts off it and i still have axles and a chassis to flog/scrap so all i all, it is a cheap way to get everything you want!
Aaron fit it, and then sell it on and make some good money out of it.

Even if I did sell it my brothers already said he want's it, Cant charge family anything other than cost to build.
But if I'm honest I don't want to do all this work to sell the bloody thing :eek:

If you strip the TD out the bracket for the PAS pump and the pulley will sell to the non-PAS ex-military boys

Never new that, Nice to know ;) Need as much money out of it as possible with my plans :eek:

Wouldn't worry about doing another rebuild thread, we'll all be fascinated. Great thing about it is that you'll come across different problems and so we will all learn from it. Looking forward to each instalment already. :D

Fair enough, Thought people might not want to see me doing build after build. As I say as long as theirs interest I'll carry on.
Definitely learn more every time I do one. As well as buying more tools :D
Need to invest in a press next :eek:
Yeah, this'll be my first engine swap so i want to keep to the tried and tested methods for now haha!

as has been said above, getting a complete truck is ideal really, theres a lot of piece of mind in being able to drive it before committing to such a large build... i didnt have the space for a truck at home either so borrowed space in a friends yard for a few weeks to do the work at weekends, but to give you an idea, it took me (an enthusiastic with limited experience) 4 hours to single handedly (besides driving the front loader) remove the engine and box from the truck and maybe all told, the same again to get all the small bits off it that i wanted.
i had to do it at weekends as i was working 1.5hrs away during the weeks but with yourself i assume at the moment you could devote more time to it than me, i reckon if you could find yourself a similar setup you could have it done in two days and have the truck scrapped.

another thing to consider is i bought the truck complete for €700, i got €50 for scrapping the cab, €200 for selling the tires, €100 for selling miscellaneous parts off it and i still have axles and a chassis to flog/scrap so all i all, it is a cheap way to get everything you want!

I've done a few rebuilds, But never actually done any conversions.
What you have bought has made it a very cheap engine :eek:

I would like to get a full truck, So I can see It running/driving, Gearbox is ok, plus the little bits I'll probably need.
but I need to find a driver as I can't drive 7.5t on my licence :(

At the moment I can devote all day every day. So I could do with cracking on and sorting an engine/box out before I end up back at work with no time. Not sure I'd have very happy neighbours or family with a Daf 45 parked on the drive for weeks :pound:
Last edited:
Anyway I started the big strip down today.
Plan is to get the body of, Engine and box out and asses the situation chassis wise.

One wing off.


Other one off.


Doors off, All the bolts came undone surprisingly easy. Big screwdriver, Big hammer, Whack a few times, Turn screwdriver with spanner and came undone.



Roof off.


Back door and van sides removed.


And windscreen removed. Which is where the day ended.


Just need to find these a home tomorrow for the foreseeable future :p


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