Well done Saint.

I nearly sent you a PM recently as I had noticed you were not around...

Really great news...Glad all three of you are well..

Take care and enjoy. You may need a Toyota as a 'always works' car to add to the RR.

Very best wishes...
Again, thanks for all your kind words....

Home now and we have realised the gravity of what we have in front of us.....new life....

She is very much a daddies girl all ready and I cannot describe my love for her and my wonderful girlfriend who has given me a beautiful daughter (shameless picture attached!!)

Again, thanks for all your kind words....

Home now and we have realised the gravity of what we have in front of us.....new life....

She is very much a daddies girl all ready and I cannot describe my love for her and my wonderful girlfriend who has given me a beautiful daughter (shameless picture attached!!)

There isn't a feeling quite like it in the world :) Enjoy the love :5bcheers2:
true....it dont stay long though..ATLEAST on their side..innocence goes within 1 year!!!!!...soon summer will say "no".....work it out..female, clever and yours..summer will have you around her little finger before you know it!!
NOT a bad thing!..i am still amazed how quick my youngest grew up...sooo quickly..

SO now counts soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much...take as much time off work as you can...you wanna be there when summer says first word...walks her first step....
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Where's the daily update Ant? We need to know how bebe is doing:)


She is gorgeous and a true pleasure to be around, albeit we have had no sleep...the little thing will eat every 3 hours during the day and sleep inbetween...but at night, that is a totally different story, she just won't settle and needs constant attention and feeding.

Me being a geezer, I don't have the right 'equipment' to feed her, so poor Anna has been up all nights to feed her while I get some kip, then we settle her in the morning and Anna grabs a few hours kip while Summer sleeps....

Still it is not forever and in a few weeks she should start to sleep longer and better at night.

More photos to show it is a good job she takes after her mother....





And when she found out Daddy owns one of the most unreliable cars around that costs a fortune to own and repair.....

So cute. Don't let her take over your life and sleep in the day and not at night. It can be a bit stressfull training them that you are in charge and they should sleep between feeds at night but it needs to be done or you'll have no peace.
So cute. Don't let her take over your life and sleep in the day and not at night. It can be a bit stressfull training them that you are in charge and they should sleep between feeds at night but it needs to be done or you'll have no peace.

Says Daddytek:p

Ant, last photo believe she got your hands, soon she will tinker :car:

It's true they will take charge if you let them, rules and routines is way to go, have another soon could be beneficial.:jaw: