I checked the fuses today and connections, all appears fine. Drove the car 50 - 60 miles and it didn’t miss a beat.

Supposed to rain tomorrow so will use it in the wet, see how it goes.

Will monitor things and see if it happens again.

Thanks for all your help and input yesterday, appreciate it.
Welcome, I would agree with all the advice above about checking the voltage and connections. I in the early days suffered from the dreaded overnight battery drain and then the gearbox fault and limp home curse. Took the advice offered on here which is better then most LR dealers. A new battery and disconnecting the RF lead solved all issues and have never had a problem since fingers crossed. Good luck and enjoy.
Sorry I misread a comment guys! :oops:

I thought the comment meant a visit from an upset LR God = dead V8! :(
@Saint.V8 is an LR God.:D:D:D He is just not the RR gods. There are many RR gods and they have mischief making as their main aim. They can only be appeased by many hours of devotion and the offering of expensive parts. :eek::D
Nowt wrong with Kopi Luwak coffee my good man....tis what us in the leafy parts of Surrey favour.

Oh, I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. If it has been through the digestive tract of an elongated rat it probably adds a nutty flavour? Never tried it to be honest. Maybe you get a free can / bag / whatever when you move to Surrey?!
Firstly try to describe what happened a bit better. Then get all the codes that you got relating to the engine. P codes. Put them on here. Next slowly drive a bit everyday see if it happens again BUT the key is the p codes. Is it driving perfectly?
Good luck

Oh, I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. If it has been through the digestive tract of an elongated rat it probably adds a nutty flavour? Never tried it to be honest. Maybe you get a free can / bag / whatever when you move to Surrey?!
I didn't :(

Nor did I but all I could afford was to rent the back bedroom of some granny's house. And as soon as I left the house she switched my radiator off so it was always bl**y freezing when I got in.
Nor did I but all I could afford was to rent the back bedroom of some granny's house. And as soon as I left the house she switched my radiator off so it was always bl**y freezing when I got in.
I had a nice warm room, even allowed to put heating on in summer if needed, but somehow the radiators, in the office, only came on from September to May :( Still didn't get coffee made from pre-passed beans :oops:

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