just ordered a jack and stands.instructions to fit the air bag came with it and it looks fairly simple so going to have a go at fitting it myself and i'll have a look at the height sensors james.thanks mate.
just ordered a jack and stands.instructions to fit the air bag came with it and it looks fairly simple so going to have a go at fitting it myself and i'll have a look at the height sensors james.thanks mate.

I did mine a few weeks ago, both sides, took some advice from here and a garage that specialises in Land Rovers, got to say it was pretty easy, took me about an hour, but make sure you buy new clips for the top of the air bags, mine were so rusty they fell apart!
hi gary,i got the clips with the bag so that's good.It certainly looks manageable.Just think it might be something else.took it down the road last night and after about a mile the passenger side went right down.pulled over and pushed button,took ages but eventually went up and i drove it home.It's stayed up since.Only happens when i drive it?
I'm sure if it was a leak it would drop overnight etc.starting to think it is a height sensor.
i know,i'm surprised i haven't already:confused:.this is a pic of it today.looks fine.can't believe it's a bag.
got underneath it while the sun was out and had a look at the air bag.seems fine to me.had a look at the height sensor and could see it was damaged and had a lot of play in it.when i undid it the metal sleeve inside the bush just crumbled to nothing.got one on the way.hoping this is the problem.
changed the height sensor.by the way the car has been sitting at it's correct height whilst parked up.
took it round the block,came home and all seemed okay.looked out the window 10 minutes later and the back was down.looked underneath bag was fully inflated.looked under bonnet and noticed all the fluid in the ACE side of the reservoir had gone.would a leak in the ace system cause the back to go down? can't think what else it can be
just found this horrible bodge.can someone identify it for me so i can look on ebay for second hand replacement.could this be the cause of my flat back end? just turned it over and the back raised itself up again.all the way to off road setting.i'm lost.someone please help as it's not driveable so can't take it anywhere.

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