
New Member
i have a prob with the prop shaft .there is a doughnut looking piece which is slipping off,i'd like to get some info about it and is it a big job to fix.
My suggestion would be to get a Haynes manual and have a look in there. I have replaced all sorts of bits on my Discovery including suspension parts etc.

Hardest part is usually freeing seized bolts. Most stuff is pretty straight forward, and the bits from aftermarket spares companies and motorfactors don't tend to be too prohibitive. :)
Hi Mickey,

If the dohnut part you describe is in the middle between both propshafts then its the centre coupling. They cost around £600 to buy and are very easy to fit, that said I want to ask you a couple of questions first to fully diagnose the prob. Are you experiencing any loud hum or whine from the front wheels as well? Is the car a bit sluggish and almost feels like its pushing more weight? If so then the propshaft bearings will almost certainly have gone as well. It happened to mine recently. I suggest using the internet to search for used propshaft assembly, that will give you the 2 props, centre coupling, all bearings and new diff coupling bearings as well, usually for about £300 and it's very simple to fit that lot, 4 bolts in the middle, 4 bolts at each end. Takes about an hour. Just so you know if you buy this lot from Landrover it will cost you £1378 for the parts alone, christ knows what they would charge to fit it!

Hope that helps

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