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I pulled a friends stuck disco out of a deep rutt in low range 1st the other day & the disco had quite a workout getting it out. On driving home & slowing down in gears mainly noticeable in the lower gears. There is a sound of a fast skateboarder going on a pavement coming from my gear box area, its the only way of explaining the noise sorry folks. It goes away if I accelerate & only comes back if I let off the throttle & coast slowly. I can also hear it in neutral just at idle speed, if I press the clutch it goes away. It's a disco 2 td5 if that helps with a diagnostic, it's a recon box & I have done around 50,000 with it over 2 1/2 years use, with no faults until now, (hopefully not). It still changes smoothy, the noise isn't loud but I know it's not rite. Anybody's help or opinion on what it could be would be a great help, thanks in advance.
it could be the release bearing on the clutch , the bearing may have heated up while pulling the other vehicle and the grease may have dried up
sounds like it could be brg race spinning or worn ,check oil for contamination ie metal sheen ,if it is would need doing quickly before more damaged was done,but check prop ujs t/box out put brgs etc i think if relesae brg it would be worse with clutch pedal pressed
If it's the realease bearing can I still drive the discovery? Can the noise go away on it's own accord in time. Anybody have the same noise on theirs. & what have you done to solve it!
If it's the realease bearing can I still drive the discovery? Can the noise go away on it's own accord in time. Anybody have the same noise on theirs. & what have you done to solve it!

bet to follow james advice (check oil for contamination )and rule out the gearbox first . then you could drive it
Hi again folks.....on looking further in to this noise today, I started the engine put the transfer box in neutral and went through all the gears as if I were driving, slight noise, very slight from 1st to 4th then much more prominent in 5th I then press the clutch and the noise totally disappears. Oh and there is transmission fluid leaking on my drive. It looks like it's coming from the transfer case. Lots covering the inspection plate on the box and dripping on to the protection cross bar & on to the floor. Any ideas??????
what kind smelly gear oil or gearbox oil thin ,is oil running down between the 2 then running back,check oil in boxes for metal sheen
if it was layshaft brg it should be quieter in 4th ,rear mainshaft brg would let oil out of rear gear box seal,but td5 transfer boxes have weaker teeth than 300tdi boxes so you do need to checl oil to narrow down
Yeah I'm going to drop the oil out of both gearbox & transfer. Do they take the same oil mtf94? I bought a gallon today.
Hi folks an update for you all. The transfer box took nearly a ltr of ep90. Not good so I took it to an indie. He has confirmed the end of life Span for my transfer box. So it looks like I need a re-con then. No point in having it rebuild due to cost & time scale. Was strange that I could hear the transfer box noise when it was in neutral and gear box in gear, when I questioned him he said the bearing still turnes, can anyone confirm this? He did let me listen to a stethoscope and the transfer was bloody noisy inside & main box was nice & smooth. So relief sort of. Thanks for all your help & input.
transfer box has input gear ,intermediate cluster gear ,and 2 gears that rotate on diff high/low ,when in neutral high/low gears arent connected to diff ,they just turn on it selecting either connect that gear to diff ,giving drive to props thru diff ,so in neutal all gears are still turning
its usually the bearings(STC3185) on the intermediate shaft that goes bad they sit higher in the box and the oil doesnt reach them when the level drops . but a recon one is good to :)


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