Thanks, yes will scan report and take pics! Will the report be a detailed breakdown of works that need doing? He mentioned on the phone he'd only done a visual check; I guess that means he might not know all the detail?
Ah..ignore my post above for time being then...if you have their offer in writing then i dont think they can go back on that.

OH, good to hear you're ok...i'm ready to start searching for stuff as soon as you give go ahead!
Just need to hear the chassis isnt warped! Hopefully all the damage will be listed so we know what to get.
Aha...he found it. Great.

Storm I had a google for those two part doors...back doors right? TBH I think they'd be more useful for us than what we have because of the dogs....they look good. But then the old saga of where the spare will go starts again.

When DH got the Defender I asked if we could have wheel on bonnet (I'm going to confess that I had a series three as a teen and my bug bear was the spare on the back when I was towing meant I couldn't open the back door enough). But the refurb people said it couldn't go on the bonnet...Health and safety something or other. And don't really want to lose the interior space.

''Skedaddle''...that's good. Have a look at those doors, see what you think, eh? :)
What a great read this post is - i'm on here all the time (obviously not when when I'm at work erm, much, erm, though) The banter is always hilarious but everyone's bandied together here to help these nice people and that is fantastic. LZ should be proud of itself.:) :)
What a great read this post is - i'm on here all the time (obviously not when when I'm at work erm, much, erm, though) The banter is always hilarious but everyone's bandied together here to help these nice people and that is fantastic. LZ should be proud of itself.:) :)

Thanks Toenails! I am SO grateful. :)
I wouldnt advise putting the wheel on the bonnet... my 90 had it when I bought it and I took it off...

1. Reduces your vision
2. You have to add an extra strong spring to the bonnet catch
3. if the spring is not strong enough, you have to hold the cable from inside while someone gets the bonnet off the catch
3. its really heavy to lift the bonnet
This is what i meant..although not certain these exact ones fit as it was 1st i saw..

Land Rover Military 2 Piece Doors Defender Wolf NAS on eBay (end time 30-Jan-11 20:03:57 GMT)

I think they look alright! Engineers report I suppose for the door...or when I go and see it. I'm in dilogue with a LZ sone person who will do it as he lives not far away. We just need to coordinate and decide where to get trailer from :)

Grr to the wheel. Ok...I won't argue about back door. (I'm saving my energy and whispering elephant grey if it gets a respray)
Not my car though :eek: do I have to leave now?
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What a great read this post is - i'm on here all the time (obviously not when when I'm at work erm, much, erm, though) The banter is always hilarious but everyone's bandied together here to help these nice people and that is fantastic. LZ should be proud of itself.:) :)

Isn't it amazing? I'm just so overwhelmed. I really hope we can return favours to people somehow. :):)
I think they look alright!

Not my car though :eek: do I have to leave now?

You can pick them up really cheap..i got 2 for about £40 with glass and door cards..very little rust..painted them up...really nice.

Even new they're about £120 each incl locks etc.

A used door for a defender in average condition is about £200 :eek::eek:

I know which i'd get!!
those doors are a very good option and they look cool!

the doors on my 90 are slowly disappearing and I think, instead of welding new frames, I'll probably buy some doors like that
I've got a truck cab JP and the idea of taking the roof and door tops off in summer and dropping the windscreen is just too tempting!!

We get decent summers here though! As you do as well!
Going back to the spare wheel on bonnet discussion - I've got an early bonnet with the extra bracing under it and a spare wheel carrier already fitted. I'd happily swap it for a later bonnet as I've moved the wheel onto the rear door now. Just something to bear in mind :p
I understand Aurora and Skedaddle found a local recovery firm to transport it back to farm as opposed to trailer hire.

Guys, I'm also available for turning spanners and holding bits of 90 when the rebuild takes place :D
Sorry chaps.....its all been a bit hectic here.....we have diggers in putting in drains (hurrah....loos that work will be exciting!) and I've got a sick cat (nd no car to get her to the having to hop into friends' cars with little notice), hedges being cut...fences needing repairing (oh how you handy people will laugh at our attempts at something crude like fencing..) its just hectic ATM.

The LR....who is called Charlie Parker....DH is a jazz fan...arrive home in a sorry state on Monday......just i time for me to get the tax disc sent off before the new month...a local recovery firm did it for the same price as trailer the kind offers of towing if we could get a trailer weren't needed. Recovery man was lovely and bemused. He said we'd need someone to look at the bulk head on the right.

No report yet from the insurers, but skynet & partner are coming on Sunday I think (do you know where we are skynet?) have a look and help skedaddle start making a list of bits...
what's odd is all the tyres are a bit very, very so....impact knocked the wind out of them or what?

This week with the chaos I have felt like running,from the mud, the destruction and the cold...but transport!

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