New Member
I am having a bit of a mare trying to wire up my lamps with i just recently bought, i have mounted the switch and everything, its just a question of how the p**s do i sort the relay out?!? the diagram is a load of tits and doesnt really help. any tips or know-how would be very very appreciated as i want to fit them ASAP!!!
Fwiw - I mounted the relay by the rad expansion tank, took the trigger feed from the main beam wire, earthed the relay to the wing mount, ran the power feed into and out from the relay to the lamps, daisy chained the +ve and -ve then earthed the lamps to the chassis rail. Lights fire up on main beam only

much more helpfull!! thanks alot : ) that was the only problem i had, trying to find where to actually wire them to in the best way possible. cheers

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