Hi all

I need some help with my 2001 4.0 V8 LPG rough running.

When it is cold on petrol it lacks power and pops and bangs when trying to accelerate, when it warms up a bit this problem passes.

Then when you are cruising between 40 and 60 it misfires you can feel a juddering where it is not running smoothly, to compensate i tend to accelerate and slow so i am speeding up and slowing down constantly to avoid the juddering. This problem happens on both petrol and LPG running.

Plugs have been changed using good Magnecore leads any ideas what is causing the problem it is getting rather annoying now.

'Ave a look at the Coil packs

Could also be the CPS playing up
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Did it have the same problems before the plugs and leads were changed?o_O
Have you checked to see if any vacuum pipes or air pipes have become dislodged?
Is there an engine warning light?
+1 on checking both coil packs. I kept having a misfire on cylinder 7. Changed the spark plugs (#7 was burnt) and wires but kept misfiring. Then I checked the spark on #7 comparing it to #1 and it was very faint. Ended up replacing both coil packs and now all is good:). Mine is a petrol not LPG though.

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