
New Member
Hello all.
Is there anyone out there with a Hannibal Rear Awning who can tell me how far out the awning extends from the rear of the roofrack.
I have a side awning but am considering the rear one as well. However I have a disco 1 and want to work out exactly how much it will cover.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, According to Hannibal's information they provide online it protrudes 1.7m out (that's for the rear, 1.4m wide awning)
Bump, thanks for that. However that must be an error on their part as the arms can't extend any further than the folded width of 1.4m.
That's why I need someone who actually has one to let me know. All the figures online seem to vary and conflict.
Bump, thanks for that. However that must be an error on their part as the arms can't extend any further than the folded width of 1.4m.
That's why I need someone who actually has one to let me know. All the figures online seem to vary and conflict.
Yeah, i'll give you that... that makes no sense what so ever, apologies! (I would expect it's going to be close to 1.4m then as the arms are normally the same as the width)

I'd suggest your easiest method is to ring Nene Overland - they are the sole uk distributor for Hannibal in the UK (from what i understand - any other reseller buys through Nene) - so they should be able to give you a definitive answer :)

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