
New Member
I am having a bit if an issue with the people who replaced my clutch and spigot bearing. It was replaced less than 3 weeks ago. The spigot bearing started squealing and the gears became hard to select after less than a day. I went back and was told the spigot was bedding in. I went back twice more and was told again the bearing was bedding in, and today that it was because I wasn't driving it right. I am sure I wasn't, but could driving kill a spigot bearing in under a week?! They have not offered to look at it, haven't offered to do the work under warranty and have been now very unpleasant. Any advice would be super
I am having a bit if an issue with the people who replaced my clutch and spigot bearing. It was replaced less than 3 weeks ago. The spigot bearing started squealing and the gears became hard to select after less than a day. I went back and was told the spigot was bedding in. I went back twice more and was told again the bearing was bedding in, and today that it was because I wasn't driving it right. I am sure I wasn't, but could driving kill a spigot bearing in under a week?! They have not offered to look at it, haven't offered to do the work under warranty and have been now very unpleasant. Any advice would be super

Absolutely not, it's been damaged during fitting and not lubricated correctly.

If you paid by credit card start a dispute to get your money back
It was paid cash. Everyone but the garage says it's the spigot badly fitted or faulty. They are adamant it's my driving so my fault. They'll fix it but it'll coste £360 labour.
They're having a laugh. how can you cause that kind of damage? they knew they were full of **** when they told you it was bedding in.
Rather than paying them for the work to fix it, get a quote somewhere else and then tell the bad garage you are getting the work done elsewhere and will be taking them to court for expenses.
Go to trading standards right away. What sort of garage was general garage or someone that deals in landrover?.
I tried that, he told me to sod off as it was my (12 hours) worth of driving. I went to Fatcat 4x4 because of reputation and recommendation. I'm now deeply regretting my trust.
Great website called consumer action group. Loads of forum panels with many experts on tracing standards, dodgy garages, hooky parking tickets you name it.

I have no connection to the website but I've dipped into its bank of knowledge a few times as they have links to template letters you can send the garage that include all the correct legal jargon.

At the moment it sounds like they are playing hardball in the hope that you will cave in and give up.. Don't.

Don't drive the car any more and get it inspected by an independant.

I seem to recall from a similar situation I had, that you must allow garage at fault the opportunity to rectify their mistake first ( at their expense of course ). If you just go off and get the work done else where without their involvement first, you might find it tricky getting your money back. Don't quote me on that but I'm sure that's how it works.
Have you looked at the threads posted by Fanatic and The Mad Hat Man?

I think the main one is called "crock of ****" or similar.

They have a pretty good success rate in these things.
Thanks chaps. They have finally offered to fix it but given the issues they have caused and their attitude I'd rather not leave it with them. It was done wrong 1st time and that was before all the fall out. Not good. I have simply requested a refund of the parts and labour so I can go and have it done properly and we can all go away with no more bad blood. I have been insulted and sworn at down the phone today twice already, which has all been recorded. Not great after service cate in my view
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Great website called consumer action group. Loads of forum panels with many experts on tracing standards, dodgy garages, hooky parking tickets you name it.

I have no connection to the website but I've dipped into its bank of knowledge a few times as they have links to template letters you can send the garage that include all the correct legal jargon.

At the moment it sounds like they are playing hardball in the hope that you will cave in and give up.. Don't.

Don't drive the car any more and get it inspected by an independant.

I seem to recall from a similar situation I had, that you must allow garage at fault the opportunity to rectify their mistake first ( at their expense of course ). If you just go off and get the work done else where without their involvement first, you might find it tricky getting your money back. Don't quote me on that but I'm sure that's how it works.

Thank you, I'll be on that tonight.
I've been offered a repair in their own time 3 weeks after the problem and after all their excuses. They are still maintaining that it's my driving however. Surely that is a cause for concern? Would you leave your vehicle with people who damaged it in the first place and still believe the cause is something it couldn't be?!
I've been offered a repair in their own time 3 weeks after the problem and after all their excuses. They are still maintaining that it's my driving however. Surely that is a cause for concern? Would you leave your vehicle with people who damaged it in the first place and still believe the cause is something it couldn't be?!

Don't think you have much choice iirc, as said you have to give them the opportunity to rectify the fault.

Make sure there is a clear agreement that they don't carry out any other work without informing you (so they can't try and blame it on something else and charge you for it) and double check the wording on any paperwork, especially anything you sign, that implies the fault is yours.

Chances are they've put up a fight to try and avoid having to pull it all apart again but having agreed to do so, if they've any sense at all, they'll be extra careful to ensure it's done properly
Don't think you have much choice iirc, as said you have to give them the opportunity to rectify the fault.

Make sure there is a clear agreement that they don't carry out any other work without informing you (so they can't try and blame it on something else and charge you for it) and double check the wording on any paperwork, especially anything you sign, that implies the fault is yours.

Chances are they've put up a fight to try and avoid having to pull it all apart again but having agreed to do so, if they've any sense at all, they'll be extra careful to ensure it's done properly
As above, you have to give them the chance to fix it. Put in writing what has happened and that no extra work is to be carried out and post it recorded delivery in case you have to use the small claims court.
It was the garage we bought the landy from. The work was part of the sale agreement. They refused to rectify it at first. Then told me it was my fault. Then told me I couldn't do anything das the sale and work were private not trade. They have shouted at me, insulted me and tried to get away from any responsibility. Would you, personally, want to leave your vehicle there again? Consumer rights say that the consumer can demand one of three things; repair, return or refund. Under the circumstances, I'm sure you would understand why I think the latter is the option being requested.
Go for a refund. Garages can't do "Private" work. even the term Sold as seen is illegal..

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